[Discussion]: Are IT engineers, are IT engineers?

If you quickly skim through the feed of posts, then it is easy to notice: our favorite KDPV consist of elephants / unicorns / whales / seals.

And sometimes there are few trains, coronaviruses and entertaining linguistics. And profitrolki with monkeys, where without them.

Yes, in an endless battle, the backend and frontend diverge and converge.

An unprepared reader ( and how many of them are prepared ?! ) may get the feeling that all of this consists only.

Ladies and gentlemen, don't you think that very rarely a community reflects on itself?

What is missing something important in the heat of online battles? What should you regularly think about - but never forget?

Answer me, dear readers: what does the proud abbreviation " IT " mean to you ?

Who deserves to be called her - and who just clings to the shining heights and has no right to that ?!

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And please try to substantiate in an adult way.

And not as always ...

PS You know, from what invention half a century ago now not only our beloved IT, but, in general, the whole civilization as a whole, completely depends?

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