Haxe Winter Status Report

On February 7, the next mini-conference of HaxeUp Sessions 2020 Hamburg was held at the office of InnoGames, at which Simon Kraevsky reported on the work done, spoke a little about the near future of Haxe. And here I would like to present a translation of the main part of his report (skipping the beginning, in which Simon talks about how he got into the Haxe and what he did at the Haxe Foundation. He already spoke about this at the previous HaxeUp ).


Briefly about what has been done over the past 2019:

  • in February and March 2 release candidates were released (4.0.0-rc1 and 4.0.0-rc2)
  • Haxe Foundation 2 : ,
  • Haxe US Summit 2019
  • Haxe 4.0.0-rc3. — Haxe 4.0.0-rc4 Haxe 4.0.0-rc5
  • , , Haxe 4.0.0
    2019 , . Haxe — 4.0.5.


, , Haxe 2020 :
Haxe 4.1. :

  • (tail-recursion elimination) — , ( )
  • SSL eval ( pull request )
  • ( haxe.Exception, )
  • IDE . IDE ( Forge of Empires InnoGames — Haxe Foundation)

2020 :

  • API — asys ( )
  • , , , ,
  • , , ""

Haxe Summit , --.


Haxe Foundation, , , , Haxe Foundation .

Haxe : "Haxe Foundation Haxe , Haxe". , , — Haxe Foundation .

, :

  • -, ( )
  • -, . — dts2hx . dts2hx TypeScript (d.ts) Haxe-. , , TypeScript, . , TypeScript . TypeScript, Haxe-. , , , . dts2hx JavaScript- Haxe
  • -, Haxe Foundation . , EU Haxe Summit 2020.


, Haxe Foundation :

  • , ,
    . Haxe Summit, , .
  • , Haxe Foundation, "" . , .. Haxe TypeScript, Haxe Foundation , . Haxe Foundation , .. ,
  • Haxe Foundation " Haxe Foundation". InnoGames — Haxe Foundation 2013 InnoGames.


Haxe Foundation "Go To Implementations" VS Code:


IDE , — VS Code "Go To Implementations". Haxe .

InnoGames , , , , , . (18 2019 ).

Haxe Foundation .
13 .

As you can see, the process took less than a month, but it is also worth considering that a significant part of this time was spent on holidays (Christmas and New Year).

And now this feature is available in the Haxe nightly builds and in vshaxe 2.18.0.

I would like to note that solving problems within the framework of the partnership benefits everyone: InnoGames got the function they need, but now everyone else can use it!
Of course, this is a very small feature, but there are many such features, and each of them helps everyone. Partner support allows us to improve Haxe, and I hope this development process continues.

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