How to start making a game in UE4

Good day to all!

Iā€™ve been trying to deal with Unreal Engine for several months now and want to share the ā€œhacksā€ that I discovered and, perhaps, someone will tell you even more effective, but not very noticeable to beginners.

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Ā« Ā», , , Ā«Ā» . , , , Ā« Ā», : -, \ , ( xD-, , , ..), UE4 , - . , .

Steam , , Ā«Ā» ā€” . , , \\Ā«Ā», -, . ( ). , Unity, Ā« Ā» Unreal Engine 4 Epic Games. ( )

UE4 is a huge ā€œmachineā€, with thousands of functions, ā€œbuttonsā€ and nuances (bugs, crutches, etc.), with which you can do almost anything. This all attracts professionals, but at the same time scares away newcomers. Iā€™ll try to tell you which way to approach UE4 is the easiest.

First of all, it is worth noting that there are not so many good old books about UE4, especially in Russian. On Ozone, it is only one compared to 10+ about Unity. But books, in general, are not very necessary, because There are many other ways to find out how things are done on UE4, though they are all (almost) in English.

Epic Games Content

Put in the first place simply because it is from the creators of the engine. In addition to the standard documentation , Epic begin to promote their free video tutorials . They started this initiative not very long ago, something worked out well (video in 1080p), and something did not work out very well (navigation, section duration). Almost all lessons contain links to source codes, which can be a source of ā€œinspirationā€ (ready-made textures, materials, models). Many ready-made examples are available in Epic Games Launcher (Scroll down a bit in the Unreal Engine -> Learn tab).


Youtube (, Twitch). , Youtube UE4. , . Unrel Engine + Ā« Ā» . UE4 .


Udemy. Youtube, , Udemy. , . Ā«Ā» . Ā«Ā» 15-20 . , , 5 . Ā« Ā» : 300 1500, ~40 ā€” 1000 ~20 ( , 1 ) ā€” 800. ( iOS ), 50 ( , ). , , , . , , 720, UE4. Udemy , Ā« Ā» D3.js, , . (360 ).

. \ Youtube\Udemy, ( ) online . Skillbox, UE4 76 90 ( , ). Ā« unreal engineĀ» . - , Coursera Ā«UnityĀ» Ā«Unreal EngineĀ». UE4 SpeedTree. (20$ ), .. . (\ ), Ā« Ā», . 2 , , ā€” \ . ā€” 80 LEVEL. , , -, ā€” CGMA, online , UE4 ( 1k$).

( ). Ā« Ā», , , . , , Unreal Engine Marketplace (UEM) Ā«Featured free Marketplace contentĀ». ( Epic Infinity Blade, Quixel Megascans, ), , Ā«Ā» ā€” , . \ Ā«Ā» Ā« Ā». , ( , ) UEM . , , UEM Steam, Ā« Ā» , ( , ). , , (, UEM online-). SpeedTree store ( ), . Quixel Megascans ( -UE4 ). , ( ) . Ā«Ā» ā€” , . , Ā«Ā» - \. .


Good luck and, please, using tips and materials from the sources mentioned above, do not forget to check the licenses for each of them. Almost all have restrictions on use in commercial products.

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