Vivaldi 2.11 - One Touch Beauty

Hello everyone!

The first stable version of Vivaldi browser number 2.11 in the new year received several new options that are not very interconnected except, perhaps, the main one - all these innovations are aimed at further improving the comfort of working with the browser. In brief, the following changes can be highlighted:

  • Video Unpin Button
  • Switch focus between browser elements
  • Support for a system schedule for changing themes
  • Localized installer interface

Now a little more about this and not only.

So, let's start with the button. When you hover the mouse over the video playback area, a button appears at the top of this area, when clicked, the video will be detached into a separate player window without unnecessary elements, which you can place anywhere on the display screen.

According to the idea of ​​the developers, this button should please users on all videos, but it was experimentally determined that on some services it behaves like a money tree in an old joke. We are working on it.

Also, when playing a video from a playlist on the detached screen, the transition and return buttons will be displayed, allowing you to quickly jump to the next or previous video in the list. Yes, and these buttons will also appear only when you hover over the video playback area.

Another useful feature that appeared in this version of the browser is the ability to quickly switch focus between browser interface elements and a web page. To do this, we assigned the F6 key (or Shift + F6). Visually, it looks something like this:

Yes, nothing is clear. In short - using F6 / Shift + F6, you can cyclically switch the focus between the web page, bookmarks bar, address bar and tab bar. By going to one of the interface elements, you can use the arrow buttons to move through the elements of the selected panel. In general, it should be convenient.

Now a useful innovation for those who are used to changing the theme of the design of the system and browser depending on the time of day, from light to dark and vice versa. As you know, in the browser we have built in a setting that allows you to change the theme on a schedule. But in operating systems today, a similar function is available. It would be logical to expect that both schedules will be synchronized. And now such an opportunity has appeared. It is in the browser settings, here:

By default, the setting is enabled. We thought it was logical. If we made a mistake, you can easily turn it off.

And so we went to the installer. It’s clear that we are not all approached, but only those who use Windows. But here there are certain subtleties. We are trying to automatically select the locale for the installer interface, depending on the system settings. The difficulty is that the system settings can be so confusing, especially in the case of several languages ​​in the system, and the systems themselves are quite different. Well, here we will still work - we hope you will help us in debugging this component.

In addition to these improvements, we did a lot of work to correct shortcomings in the work of the address bar and developer tools, and also paid some attention to debugging the work of bookmarks, notes and menus. You can find the full list of changes on this page .

That's all, we are waiting for your feedback and wishes at the previous address . You can download the new version from the official site , or wait for the update.

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