Parking for your cons

With the help of this text, or its variations in oral or written form, I lose all my friends at work. This is my conscious choice.

In general, I am a kind and gentle person. I like to watch telly, read books, iron my cats, and grill barbecue. But it is out of work.

And at work, I damn sorry for the time for everything except two things: actually work and development. Well, like, every day / week / month should give some kind of growth - in terms, skills, products.

So, we usually disagree in the approach to development. And we’re not friends anymore. You will not like the text, most likely, therefore, the article will be the balancing of the rating. Although, what the hell is not joking. The text is almost without editing, the reference to “you” is used there - I don’t mean you, but that guy with whom I want to stop being friends.

Here is the text.

Whoever you are, if you suddenly decide to develop, you will find a lot of difficulties. You will need a goal, methods to achieve it, discipline, the ability not to give up and try new things. What a long sentence, really? In fact - complete nonsense. The key phrase is "if you suddenly decide."

The well-known phrase “it will do so” interferes with the decision. You are a programmer, do, conditionally, 120 units of work per month? And so it goes. You are a manager, and you sell for 1 million rubles. per month? And so it goes. You are the head of programmers, and the indicators of your department do not grow for months? And so it goes.

Why does it come down? Because they told you so. I came, I don’t know, [some boss], and said: 120 units of work per month - this will "come down". As long as you do these damn 120 units, you live up to expectations. You are a very decent programmer, manager or leader.

Where do you get the incentive for development, change, pumping, if you correspond? And so it goes. Yes, there are people in our industry, even our company, who are many times better and better than you. They make 200-300 hours, sell for 50 million a month, actively develop their team, increasing the performance and income of subordinates so that the noise is worth it.

Well, figs with them, what have you got to do with it? You live up to expectations. Have you ever wondered where these expectations come from? Who decided that the programmer is the one who makes 120 units?

The boss decided. And why? Yes, because you, or someone before you, did 120 units. Or sold for 500 thousand rubles. per month. Or all that I could do as a leader was to maintain a certain level of indicators.

The boss thought and thought, and decided - okay, figs with him, let it be the norm. And so it goes. Maybe somehow everything will improve by itself. There will be a day, there will be food. Best the enemy of the good. A tit in hand is better than a crane in the sky. And a bunch of variations "and so come down."

It turns out a vicious circle. You think that you just have to meet the expectations of the boss. And the boss thinks that this is your limit, and fixes it as a plan. He wants to think so. He himself wants to correspond, and for this you must correspond. Everything, the circle is closed. All is well.

As long as you are doing well, there is no incentive to change. As soon as you feel bad, you will have to develop. When will everything become bad for you?

When expectations change, for any reason.

For example, the boss decides that the norm is 200 units per month, or 2 million rubles. revenue, or a monthly increase in performance by 10%. At that very moment, the crown will fly off your head and you will be at the bottom. A poor programmer, a cotton seller or a pointless leader, who, as they say on the Internet, can be replaced with a script.

Another option is an external stimulus in relation to work. My favorite is a mortgage. Twice in my life I was honored to take advantage of this incentive. Money sharply becomes less (if given ahead of schedule), and you immediately slide from the state “I work normally and make good money” into the pit - “damn, what the hell am I, it turns out ...”.

Both options are external. You did not choose them, expectations changed yourself, and you had to develop, and very quickly. And then it turned out that before you worked half-heartedly, and you can do much more and better.

And there is still an internal, your personal option - just do not use the expectations that are announced to you. Keep them in mind, do not forget that they need to comply, but set the key, target bar for yourself.

This is the most difficult, because first you have to admit that you, alas, as it were, are softer ... Strongly so-so. Fig programmer, worthless seller and standard, boring, cotton manager. And such in the world - like cockroaches in the bath.

By not recognizing that you are so-so, you will not begin to develop. So you will walk in the crown with the inscription "And so it will come down."

Admitting yourself to be shit is hard, I know. The ideal option is to find an environment outside of work that will let you know how pathetic you are. Even better is to personally meet a person who in your profession is tearing you to shreds. And ask him to give you a sincere, honest assessment, without snot and molasses. Well, agree with this assessment.

The first desire will be to disagree with the assessment. You do this all the time if you don't live in a vacuum. You see articles, books, films and people who are much better than you. How do you react to these meetings? You close and resist. If possible, you try to level out examples of success, at least for yourself, but better - out loud. So that, God forbid, no one guessed that you were so-so.

Just admit that you are nobody, and there’s no way to call you. You don’t know how, you don’t have ideas, you work poorly, and nothing will ever change until you think it’s alright. Just don’t recognize it out loud - we don’t respect emotional striptease. For yourself, for yourself, inside.
Immediately there will be a new bar, known only to you. She will be above expectations set by the boss. Much higher.

Then everything will go like clockwork. I’m lying, of course, but I need to somehow cheer you up. More precisely, it will be like this: now you are lying, and you will begin to crawl.

The most interesting thing is what to do, and how, you will find along the way. While lying, you did not even look. If knowledge, practices, methods and books were brought to you, you couldn’t even read them carefully - what for? And so it will do.

Starting to crawl, you will find with horror turning into sincere amazement that the methods of achieving your goal are a carriage. Moreover, it turns out that you already know them all. I read somewhere, heard from someone, but I never delved into it and, of course, did not try to apply it. Everything will be easier than it sounds.

The advantage of a personal bar is that you cannot lose. If you do not fulfill the plan at work, they will scold you, they may even fire you. And no one will ever know about the discrepancy with personal expectations. This is also a drawback - it is too easy to forget about your bar and again get carried away by meeting the expectations of the boss.

Actually, that's all. If you want to develop, raise the bar and crawl up. Or wait until someone picks it up for you, and develop forcibly.

Then solemnly I take off my crown, and I admit that the text I wrote is complete garbage. Still to study and study. Damn, how much can you learn already ... So, stop, do not smear the snot. To smoke - and fig on.

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