The case of one geek

Cyber ​​Health through the Marmoc Prism


Marine Mokanu, better known as Marmok, is one of the most popular gaming video bloggers in the CIS.

His example is very revealing and, most importantly, it is quite typical for any person whose life passes on a computer - regardless of the specific type of activity.

To begin with, we’ll listen directly to the comrade’s complaints ( 5:56 - 7:27 ):

A citizen claims that he "sat down tightly" about 6 years ago, which is consistent with the results of surveys privately conducted by the author of this article. The inability to further ignore the growing symptoms has been observed since about the end of the 5th year of imprisonment.

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All so-called "gaming chairs" are designed on the basis of racing ( or aviation ) seats, which is easy to check through a search engine.

They are not very suitable for e-sports and, from a technical point of view, are no different for an e-sportsman from a wooden stool.

When developing these seats, engineers bent their line, not taking into account that in the process of sitting at the computer there are no inertial forces pressing the rider / pilot into the seat!


Despite the fact that chairs of this type really support the back well during high-speed driving, they are absolutely useless during hard work at the computer until the center of the screen is raised above the horizon, which at least somehow compensates for the above factor.


In no photographs from tournaments or training camps do we observe a nape resting on the back of a chair. Moreover, we do not observe such support in the process of esports fights in principle.





Until the monitors are ergonomically installed correctly, the chairs do not fulfill the functions declared by the manufacturer and can be replaced with wooden stools - in order to save money.

However, this solution is not the most effective in terms of neutralizing the effects of gravity on the ODE of an esportsman. The best solution will be proposed in the main article on cyber training - in case your hands reach it all the same.

With prolonged sitting in front of monitors whose center is lowered below the line of the eyes ( horizon) the neck begins to move forward relative to the body in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra. A person begins to graze into the monitor like a herbivore - not being him and not having the necessary biological mechanisms for this.


Grazing in a monitor for a person is morphologically unnatural, therefore, only a certain period of time can continue without consequences - in compensation mode.
For those who want official confirmation, it makes sense to get acquainted with honey. the conclusion from the traumatology of this lad:


Another illustration:


With prolonged and regular sitting sessions of this type, it is impossible to avoid these deformations of the ODE!

Knees and heart

(the rheumatic status of a citizen is unclear to Mokanu )

Daily sweep with feet in a track exposed at a slope without arch support ( orthopedic insoles ) with flat feet, superimposed on the wrong running technique.
6:10 - 6:59 :

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Regularly "going to bed in the morning" is not worth expecting the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Vascular regulation is so tied to the circadian rhythm ( synthesis of melatonin from serotonin ) that it is immediately clear why professional athletes sleep so much!

A sound, long and healthy sleep is the best cardioprotector!

Those wishing to get to know the topic better are recommended the work “Cardiotropic properties of epiphyseal melatonin” ( 2016 ):

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… , , . ( -) ( ) (Morishima et al., 1999; Salie et al., 2001; Xu et al., 2002). , , , . «» , , , , .

It is necessary to emphasize the universality of the antioxidant properties of MT, which are manifested regardless of the cause of oxidative stress. So, isoproterenol initiated lipid peroxidation in the myocardium with a decrease in glutathione level. These changes were accompanied by impaired pumping function of the heart in rats. "MT (at a dose of 10 mg / kg) completely blocked these effects, thereby providing a pronounced cardioprotective effect."

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All of the above and some other problems can be quite simply and inexpensively compensated in the process of activity - without the need for care for rehabilitation.

See also:
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