In search of physical education

And what interesting things do people find in these books?


The advice “go in for sports” often sounds along with many problems: posture, obesity, migraines, self-esteem, burnout - sports help a lot in very different cases.

And you don’t even have to specify what kind of sport we are talking about. Usually, those who have said and heard have the same meaning by the word “sport” - this is some kind of healthy physical activity that is healthy for them.

It remains only to choose the appropriate sport - bringing more benefits and less harm. To not expensive, not far from home, according to strength and personal preferences. According to the recommendations of those who tried and examples of success .

I want to draw attention to the fact that the mentioned choice of a sport is part of a problem closely related to the use of a popular but vague term.

And I want to suggest thinking about the opportunity to improve what we do in swimming pools, fitness clubs, exercise machines, rocking chairs, on treadmills, workout areas and at home.

Spoiler: The article contains an invitation for reflection. Questions are voiced, a direction for new thoughts is suggested, not ready-made answers. There is no motivating advertisement for the next training methodology. If you want to find out another recipe for health that helped someone, then you need other articles, there are many. Those who want to skip the discussion can immediately jump to the results .

Disclaimer: Some sports are unambiguously and undeniably more useful than an excessively sedentary lifestyle. The author does not offer anywhere to give up sports, fitness and other workouts, which undoubtedly bring health benefits.

The word “sport” is common, there is no need to consult the dictionary.

I close my eyes, mentally pronounce the word “sport” and look at associations: ski jumping from the ski jump, judges with raised grades, handing out medals, boxing match, corns ripped off a horizontal bar, pain from fittings for several days ... Pictures add up to a kind of screensavers that spin on TV in front of reports from the next Olympics.

Everyone has their own associations, yes. Are there many who have the word “sport” directly associated with pictures of a simply healthy life?

A healthy life is by no means a process of earning health. Health refers to the terms of the absence of the opposite, which denote not the essence, but the absence of opposite essences. Health in itself cannot be depicted in the figure. With a healthy life, sores and diseases do not prevent you from doing something important, useful, interesting.

A simple healthy life looks too simple, so sports advertisements instead of health offer other pictures: effort, biceps, press, twine, attention of the opposite sex, self-confidence - different symbols of overcoming and achievements.

In sports advertising, a healthy body has lost its value and has become a tool to achieve any other goals. The tool has become a commodity. To obtain which you need to buy other goods.

Advertising pictures chosen by the business for business purposes are poorly associated with those who need to fix the shaky health. If someone wants to get out of the pit, he is motivated by photos of climbers on top of the mountain.

Yes, sports are good for health, but only if you compare sports and snacks on the couch in front of the TV. Definitely, moderate exercise in certain sports is more beneficial than pronounced inactivity.

However, sports are not only healthy sumo, rugby and motorcycle races, but also poker, network battles in Starcraft, ferrets in trousers and fast-eating hot dogs. There is even a sport in the square - a tote, competition for competitions.

Sports too often intersect with professional injuries, a career for children and a threshold for lovers.

Sport is a sight, a way of dumping emotions, fun, game, competition, gambling and hundreds of types of business. A very vague term, under which there are too many dissimilar entities besides “good for health in moderate doses”.

If the term fits poorly, then attempts to find another are not prohibited.


Several times I heard professional athletes in gyms correcting fans:
- Hello, yes, I am doing sports now ...
- No, you are not doing sports here, do not confuse.

Not an original, even an old idea: it is difficult to achieve success if you do not understand what exactly you are doing. The better you understand, the higher the effectiveness of the classes.

In gyms, we solve some completely understandable tasks: rehabilitation after an illness, preventive maintenance of health, gaining beauty, peace, vitality, good self-esteem ...

We achieve what we want by different methods: stretching, strengthening, pumping, drying and so on. Many recommendations and training programs can be found on the Internet and in person with professional trainers. It remains only to choose.

In the neighborhood with the term “sport”, others have long existed: exercise, warm-up, training, exercises. More accurate, better suited to specific situations. Accuracy makes them small and therefore not interesting for business. However, if someone goes in for sports for himself, and not for business, then he can afford to take a closer look at these other terms.

Increasingly, the word “fitness” is used instead of the word “sport,” which is more focused on gaining health, but is still limited to training. You can find a nutritionist in some fitness centers, but I did not find in the fitness centers quality lessons on gaining a healthy walk, posture, rest, sleep, breathing - on developing everyday skills that undoubtedly relate to the topic of health.

Training is needed to correct, compensate, strengthen what does not work out properly in the process of ordinary life.

A sign of insufficient training - skipping classes in the fitness center leads to a deterioration in well-being. If skipping a workout feels unpleasant, then this indicates not so much the benefit of the workout as the fact that during the workouts the consequences of a problem are habitually eliminated, and not the problem itself.

If training does not develop a useful skill for everyday life, if it has become a compensatory practice, then there is a dependence on training, and they can safely be called exercise.

In addition to charging, warm-ups are useful - to pull muscles, to work with something that has not been used for a long time. A warmed up and revived body, prepared for loads, can be seated in a car or at a computer so that you can continue to do your main activity while still.

In gyms, we do not so much competition, as training. We train individual parts or functions of the body that we consider to be the most in need of improvement.

Training inherited another drawback of “sports” - a narrow focus. Even choosing sports all-around, we try to achieve success in the chosen framework.

Hearing the advice “go in for sports”, we begin to look for some specific occupation - the rocking chair is closer, the pool is easier, I don’t want to run along the freeway, I need a forest for a bike, you can hang up a horizontal bar at home, beautiful girls use yoga, wise philosophy, boxing can be useful on the street ... One or several directions are selected according to recommendations, convenience, likes.

Training becomes self-sufficient, we select a tool for training - a place, a simulator, a program of approaches. And, while training, we train something for some purpose - to become more beautiful, stronger, more resilient, calmer.

To achieve something good. Or to avoid something bad. Looking at what today is listed in the values ​​and recommendations.

The phrase “you need to train everything” sounds scary - I don’t have enough time, money, desire. Therefore, I will only train something that needs training most. Or I’ll take a group of several directions - for strength, speed, endurance, add cardio and stretching. What else was recommended there?

With the help of a trainer, I’ll make up a set of exercises that I will follow for a while, waiting for some results. I will measure progress in seconds, kilometers, kilograms, and the number of repetitions. And to hope that some portion of health, confidence and beauty will become a side effect. The popularity of the sport is based on side effects.

The choice of direction for training is given more attention than the training itself. Money, time, effort are invested in training, but not the head, so the articles “what kind of music is suitable for training” appear after the articles “which sport to choose for sedentary work”.

In popularity, those types of fitness that offer not just training, but also entertainment, win. It is believed that during training it is necessary to distract the head with something external, otherwise it begins to toil from idleness. And gamification is in fashion.

The training inherited from the sport not only the desire for the game, but also the need to compete - to overcome oneself and enjoy the external symbols of victory. Tired, do not want to? Ignore, the effort is important, you have to reach the drawn finish line. We repeat “no gain without pain”, “beauty requires sacrifice” and other fashionable slogans for motivation in battle against a part of yourself.

Perhaps at the same time, the feet begin to get tired, some veins swell, the back begins to creak in a dozen years - these are trifles, we can write off age, genes, stresses. And we plan to strengthen the next muscle group. Or change the coach to a more knowledgeable one. Immediately after the next series of disputes of trainers about the futility or trauma of individual exercises ends .

When choosing a direction, you can meet with the Feldenkrais method, the Hannah method and other similar schools - this is not a sport, not yoga, not qigong, but new directions, based on body knowledge, not on competitions and traditions. However, these schools, quite respected by me, still have the same old drawback - they did not have time to develop to the possibility of independent use. Schools require classes with a teacher to identify errors and receive recommendations on how to correct what is found.

Physical Education

If I want to train everything, and not follow the magic of the recommended sets of exercises, if I want to understand what I am doing, then the term “ physical education ” is suitable for me .

Between folk culture, production culture and physical culture is common. Any culture is a set of knowledge and skills.

An example of physical education is brushing your teeth, the benefits and rules of which are told not by trainers, but by dentists. But dentists will not talk about the rules of working the muscles of the temporomandibular joint when chewing, because the cheeks go beyond dentistry. Where to find a physical education specialist in general? This was not a rhetorical question.

We remember the word "physical education" from the time of school, where under the guise of physical education they gave everything except physical education, simultaneously discouraging interest in development. At school lessons, we received exercises and tests - this is not gaining knowledge and not developing skills. And it is unlikely that the next generation will escape this trap, the education industry will not fix bugs at all quickly, and the backlog is long.

Physical education is compromised, it is not a fashionable novelty, it is not aimed at selling goods, textbooks contain norms instead of principles, the role of a teacher is reduced to the work of a coach.

Yes, the curriculum contains beautiful phrases like “the ability to follow socially significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle,” but all this philosophical and philosophical wealth does not cause interest among adolescents. Only the simplest is remembered about a healthy lifestyle: do not drink, do not smoke, play sports.

Yes, teaching materials for physical education teachers contain many brilliant words like “to instill”, “form” and “contribute to the development of skills”, but remember the school - did you learn to sleep and walk properly?

I searched and looked at modern textbooks on physical education, the quality has improved markedly over the past decade: there are fascinating facts for children, there are interspersed anatomy, complexes of exercises are developing, motivating calls softened. However, it seems that physical education for textbook compilers is no different from other school subjects - textbooks offer information, but I was looking for a basis for building a culture.

Perhaps some readers were lucky to meet a real physical education teacher. I attended five schools and watched three more schools as a parent, but I was out of luck. The physical education lessons I know did not bring so much knowledge and skills. And in no way intersected with the lessons of anatomy.

Breathing - calls “deeper” and “not to part”, without a story about the mechanism. Posture - the rules “keep it flat” and “take breaks”, without telling about the reasons leading to distortions. The gait comes down to the rules of running - the orders “do not put your feet”, “do not jump out”, “do not stick the heel”, “stretch before the loads”.

If education comes down to training, then I doubt the ideality of the current state of things, I see an opportunity to find ways to correct and improve.

I do a picture search for the word “ physical education”And I get a lot of images with children, plus a little with the elderly (who can’t do without exercise therapy anymore). The obvious conclusion is that in our time physical education is not associated with adults, it is not necessary for adults, it is only necessary for the education of young people and occasionally for treatment. An unobvious conclusion is that if a parenting product disappears without a trace after school, then parenting failed.

To stop playing sports in the gym and begin to engage in physical education, you need to get headphones with music or foreign language lessons from your ears and focus on your body. Invest not only time and calories, but also attention. Start observing, studying, comprehending and correcting what you are doing. Do not mechanically carry out a program compiled by specialists, but acquire knowledge and develop skills for life outside the gym or stadium.

I’ll take the study of a foreign language for analogy. The trap is hidden in the word “study” - speech, as it were, boils down to obtaining information and assimilating knowledge. In fact, the study hides the development of completely different reading, writing, listening and pronunciation skills. Hard-working students rely on the quality of courses and teachers, although skills can only be created inside their own head by the efforts of its owner. Knowledge of a foreign language does not boil down to knowledge and performing exercises.

On the one hand, lazy. After all, I’m “the name of the profession”, “position in the family” and “the name of the hobby”, I have something to study besides anatomy with physiology, I pay doctors and coaches for this special knowledge, it was not in vain that I came up with specialization.

On the other hand, the body and mind are the main tools in life. A problem with any of these tools complicates any work.

We pay a lot of attention to working tools: languages, frameworks, soft-skills ... And the body - it will somehow repair itself, patched up and fixed, won't it? The rhetorical question, obviously, is not always the case.

Not so, if you look at the abundance of posts on forums and magazines about health problems, and the abundance of generously distributed tips that sometimes help, yes, but not for everyone and not always.

Take a look at the children - they don’t need to force themselves to run, unlike most adults who run only when absolutely necessary, according to the doctor’s recommendations, under the influence of fashion, but very rarely just out of a desire to go for a run. If by the age of twenty years the desire to run and jump disappears, then this means that problems arise already by the age of twenty, they simply are not yet visible in the diagnoses, although the body is already in full use of the margin of safety.

Hypodynamia, which is the cause of many diseases, in turn, has a reason - unwillingness to actively move. What kind of sport eliminates the cause of physical inactivity?

Doctors certainly benefit, especially in crisis situations. Coaches are beneficial, of course, especially in preventing mistakes, saving time, and improving efficiency. But in everyday life, the view from the inside of the body sees more than the view from the outside. The owner is responsible for the state of the body, and hourly, third-party assistants can only occasionally help.


Doctors and trainers often recommend being like a massage. For example, an ophthalmologist may advise collar massage, a Thai boxing trainer may advise correcting lower back problems before continuing training.

In the case of diseases with an unclear cause, massages are quite suitable for maintaining health. On the topic of health, massage therapists have long settled a niche between doctors and trainers.

It’s no easier to find a good massage therapist than a good doctor or a good trainer. The best on the Internet are not advertised, because they already have an excess of customers, and going to the middle ones is also a lottery.

Near the “massage therapist” other titles are often present: vertebrologist, osteopath, chiropractor, kinesiologist, physiotherapist, traumatologist, rehabilitologist, neurologist, orthopedist ... Who to choose?

Osteopaths, following the chiropractors and chiropractors, they noticed that if you click the joints, the person feels better. Here I made a gross simplification, but I just do not want to go into the details of their philosophy of “dialogue with tissues”. Spurred by unexpected successes, the direction began to develop rapidly, the discoverers, in their enthusiasm, went so far as to deny a significant part of traditional medicine, for which they justly suffered, having received the stigma of unscientific heretics along with anti-vaccines and homeopaths. Osteopaths were so carried away by experiments with non-traditional methods of “treatment” that sometimes their patients with inexcusable lateness ended up in hospitals with real doctors.

Chiropractorstook into account the experience of predecessors, absorbed the best achievements of massage therapists and osteopaths, reduced radicalism, added scientificness from neurologists and neurobiologists. In general, the term has become too collective - if someone invents some kind of myofascial release (Rolfing) or post-isometric relaxation (PIR), then it will be attributed to the manual, although these methods generally do not apply to those accumulated in the neighborhood. If to be coarsened and generalized, today heterogeneous manual therapists offer to stretch the bones and internal organs less, to pay more attention to the state of muscles and fascia. But the manuals do not fit into the framework of evidence-based medicine and cause controversy about whether therapy is treatment, and whether someone who is not a doctor has the right to treat (not all manuals have a medical education).

Kinesiologists , who are new, who should somehow be distinguished from the same areas in chiropractic, develop the ideas of biomechanics and draw attention to the fact that a motionless sitting or lying patient is not a completely natural living organism. The study of efforts and movements allows you to move forward in the treatment of man. They were also helped by the fact that the fascial chains that have been talked about since the middle of the last century have been confirmedexistence, therefore, it is necessary to more comprehensively consider local problems with the musculoskeletal system. Both functional blocks that eliminate osteopaths and trigger points that eliminate manual technicians are not causes of problems, but compensatory reactions of the body, thoughtless removal of which is not always beneficial for the patient. Reasoning looks logical, progressive, scientific terms are abundant, but even kinesiologists are lame in evidence, and dubious vacillations are observed towards too strange experiments, to put it mildly.

Watching the next video from the next manual, sometimes I can hardly resist exclamations like "well, what kind of nonsense does he bear." However, I also have rich experience in communicating with traditional doctors who, without a shadow of a doubt, voiced postulates that are far from any kind of science. Unscientific myths can be found in any head, including mine. The important thing is not who the massage therapist calls himself, but what we gain from him as a result - benefit, harm or nothing.

A doctor’s diploma is the best we can get today to reduce the likelihood of falling into the hands of a complete layman. If I need to go to a massage therapist, I will look for one and a half education - a traditional diploma in medical specialties, such as an orthopedist, neurologist or rehabilitologist, plus something from a near-medical subject, even the same manual technician or kinesiologist, but with a mandatory check for selected doctor hobbies bioenergy, acupuncture and craniosacrality. And so that magnets do not apply. I’ll look at lymphatic drainage with caution. Perhaps I agree to try taping. But the closer to traditional massage, the better - this is if I am looking for a massage therapist to solve my problems, but do not want to serve as an experimental to advance science.

To choose a good massage therapist, it does not hurt to get acquainted with a thick layer of related information. Health is important, so the choice must be made deliberately. If you choose the right massage therapist, you can relax, calmly invest time and money in anticipation of a useful result, the specialist works ... Do you notice the template?

For this article, the names of the directions are completely unimportant, they are given above only as an example of the same problem, hiding in the complexity and overvaluation of the choice (the problem is choice, Neo). The choice gained value and became like a finishing tape, after which you can relax. This article offers a peek further.

The masseur, no matter who he is, still only eliminates the consequences. Whether he really heals or simply exploits the placebo effect - he only helps to correct mistakes, and does not lay the foundation for a healthy life.

Teachers at school, doctors, masseurs, trainers - they do not provide education on which an adult can rely in everyday life.


Looking at another successful story about another recipe for gaining health, I often notice a good old plan:

  • Talk about a personal health problem. A prerequisite - the problem must be popular, close to at least a hundred readers.
  • If the problem is serious, then be sure to mention the examination in hospitals with a disappointing result.
  • When speculating on possible causes, you should generously add scientific terms, it is also useful to add links to scientific articles.
  • Mention a few other recipes that didn't help or didn't work.
  • Choose your favorite recipe (push-ups, horizontal bar, yoga, diet, bike, swimming, etc.). A prerequisite - this recipe must be popular, close to at least a hundred readers.
  • Talk about how the recipe helped make the long-awaited progress.
  • Give helpful tips or cautions for beginners.
  • Share plans for the future.
  • Motivating to wish everyone success in the field of health.
  • Find a cute KDPV and remove errors from the text. Publish.

It remains to collect a lot of positive ratings:

  • Useful - promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Support - well done, that do not give up, hold on there.
  • Community - I also tried this recipe, we are many.
  • Empathy - I also have such a problem, I tried other recipes.
  • Design - written in living language, not dry.

And you can ignore the rare grumbling of the dissatisfied:

  • Offtopic is actually a technical forum.
  • Rivalry is another recipe more effective and popular.
  • Design - too many emotions, mistakes in terminology, not enough quantitative indicators of success.

Rereading my article, I see that some paragraphs can be expanded into full-fledged articles. But I’m not interested in pattern farming .

Yes, I plan to write articles about migraine, baldness, neck, breathing, eyesight, immunity and something else that seemed interesting and ambiguous to me. In these articles, some recipes will probably be mentioned, as an example or idea. But my articles will differ from popular samples, because I try to make the main content of the articles a problem for which I have not found a solution, not a magic pill.

I try to voice questions, not answers. Answers and without me the Internet is full:

  • I, as an authoritative specialist (the list of titles is attached), recommend such and such a way to solve a group of problems.
  • A digest of popular ways to solve one of the problems.
  • News about the invention of a new method.

I can talk a lot about different recipes, but I don’t want to talk about recipes, because recipes are part of the problem for which I have no solution and which I am trying to formulate here.

Change of working chair and table, sleeping mattress and pillow, dozens of opinions ...
Evenings by candlelight and other recipes for getting rid of bad habits, dozens of books ...
Evminov’s board, Yulina’s swing, TRX loops, anti-gravity hammocks, barefoot, fitball and dozens of traditional gym equipment for halls and apartments ...
Dozens of available sports and dances, martial arts and wisdom ...
Jogging and Nordic walking, pump and slide, aqua and step aerobics, callanetics, Pilates, body flex, crossfit, stretching ...
You are not tired of choosing a deliverable recipe? You can also choose health gadgets, there are also dozens of solutions there.


When there is a problem with health or external beauty, a person goes to the doctor, the Internet, to the trainer - begins to look for popular recipes to correct the error that has appeared.

If the problem has not arisen, then the person loses interest in health issues and begins to earn money, look for a life partner, raise children and neighbors, come up with the meaning of life - he is engaged in other interesting things.

The word "prevention" is known to everyone, but it is so shabby and worn out that it does not attract attention. And, again, prevention is a recipe for the prevention of specific diseases in advance.

Society requires hygiene, dentists instilled brushing, scientists have proved the benefits of vaccination and the harm of fast food, business and politicians popularize sports - this is the end of prevention, we calmly continue to earn, educate, create and other entertainments.

We are completely dependent on the body, but interest in it arises only in case of breakdowns - is this not a problem? The body is one of the most important tools for life, but how many inhabitants are interested in it when it does not require repair?

Some relate to the body’s safety margin as a fuel reserve - we will replenish it when necessary. Yes, by the middle years health has to be backed up with medicines, but what do you want, everyone lives like that, old age is inevitable, scientists have not yet come up with a pill for prolonging life .

Every day we breathe and eat, fall asleep and wake up, sit, stand and walk - most of us have all these necessary skills formed spontaneously, by themselves, somehow, thanks to nature, we could not bother, neural networks resolved.

Yes, they didn’t solve it perfectly, errors accumulate, the resource is exhausted, but everything can be attributed to genes, age, stress and other pseudo-answers. And when it breaks, you need to contact specialists to fix breakdowns and develop individual functions.

In the work of specialists, I see magic. I do not like magic, I prefer knowledge and skills. In the absence of a specialist, understanding does not arise, amateur performance is fraught with the appearance of unpleasant errors (do not self-medicate).

Trainers help to calculate and correct mistakes in training, but we can’t turn to trainers every minute of our lives. We need someone who will teach less often to make mistakes with health risks in everyday activities, and not just during treatment and training.

To go through highly specialized training yourself to become a coach is an idea so-so, in terms of cost, it is too far from the original goal of “just to be healthy”. Everyone should at least be able to independently train themselves, but at the same time it is important to strike a balance between extremes “rely on specialists in everything” and “become a specialist in all spheres of life”.

If you already become a little trainer for yourself, then a wide profile. What is a “broad profile” in gaining and maintaining health? I don’t know, an interdisciplinary approach is needed, but I suspect that physical education is somewhere nearby.

I do not want to play sports to eliminate the shortcomings found, choosing a fashionable direction. The direction of classes should depend on knowledge about yourself, and not on statistics of recommendations on the Internet.

I don’t want to play sports - mindlessly follow ready-made recipes for artificially set achievements and infinitely repair common breakdowns.

I do not need ready-made exercises, but principles that will allow me to come up with exercises as needed. Nobody teaches cats to stretch, cats catch the general principles, feel their body and adapt to the situation.

I want to engage in physical education - to acquire knowledge and skills for everyday life. I do not have enough textbooks, lectures, seminars on physical education. If someone is looking for an idea for a search or creativity, then I just talked about one of the possibilities.


I have seen too many discussions like “working while lying down or standing”, “running or swimming”, “raising or lowering the monitor” - dozens of solutions or recipes are moved over, and new ones are added to the list every year.

Usually, I notice in discussions at once several similar interconnected fundamental problems:

  • The complexity of the choice - the business wants to sell again and again, the person needs the opportunity to choose, ignoring the reasons leads to insufficient decisions.
  • Self-worthiness of choice - allows you to turn off your head after the finish line and requires you to defend what is chosen.
  • The fight against the consequences - they are more noticeable, so it’s easier, but there are no resources left to find, eliminate and prevent the causes.

The recipe (one of the possible) to get out of a rut: to notice problems, think about it, take a closer look at physical education.

I am not against recipes. If I am against the “ golden hammer ”, this does not mean that I am against hammers in principle - I use hammers, including sports. If I am against “ magic pills ”, this does not mean that I am against pills - I use medicines and other achievements of traditional medicine.

A complete sequence of actions when faced with any health problem:

  1. Mandatory examination in the hospital to search for possible diseases.
  2. Solving problems discovered - doctors, masseurs and trainers work here. Many deservedly popular solutions: exercise therapy, sports, fitness, etc.
  3. Elimination of the causes that lead to problems is a poorly developed direction that goes towards psychology and therefore deserves a separate discussion.
  4. Making the right reflexes for everyday life - there should be the physical education that I'm looking for.

The elimination of problems should be systemic, integrated, covering not only the consequences, but also the causes. Habitual training and attention to physical education are at different levels of decision.


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