9 tips to speed up the hiring process in 2020

Hello everyone. OTUS has opened recruitment for the new stream of the IT-Recruiter course . In anticipation of the start of the course, we have prepared a translation of useful material for you.

If you want to speed up the hiring process in 2020, then these 9 tips are just for you! Implementing these recruiting tips will improve the hiring process with virtually no effort. Use them to get ahead of your competitors and attract the best candidates in 2020!

Why do you need to speed up the hiring process in 2020?

Hiring employees may turn out to be one of the most difficult processes that businesses have to go through. Finding and hiring ideal candidates is vital for the longevity of the business, because you need to form a dedicated and capable team of employees to perform the necessary tasks.

In addition, if you have employees who suddenly decide to quit their job or are ill for a long time, you need a good recruiting strategy to attract the most talented specialists and close that small gap in the workforce and not suffer losses in output.

Be sure to read the complete guide to finding qualified candidates in 2020 !

How to speed up the hiring process in 2020?

Some companies hire full-time employees and have entire HR departments that place vacancies; other companies use the services of recruiting agencies to attract the right candidates to their staff.

Whatever method you practice in your business, you need an effective way to select staff to attract the right candidates. In addition, you should actively take advantage of the latest recruiting trends and have firm recruitment standards to optimize the entire process, make it cost-effective and least troublesome.

The Recruiting Tips You Should Implement In 2020

To help you recruit the right people for your company, we bring to your attention 9 tips to speed up recruiting in 2020:

Tip 1: Use social networks to reach candidates

In today's digital world, we must take advantage of hiring on social networks . Simply using traditional recruitment tools, such as job-boards, may not be enough. No one has been using newspapers for 100 years. Promote new vacancies through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, so you can reach a much larger audience. Make sure that your ads on social networks look professional and contain as much information as possible about the position, and also call for interested parties to contact you. And do not forget that posting vacancies in social networks is SMM, and SMM should be bright, memorable, catchy. Otherwise, the response will be low.

Tip 2: Invest in automated recruiting software

Automated recruitment software is certainly a step forward. Both large companies and recruiting agencies can greatly benefit from its use. Recruitment software has many advantages : it can help automate most of the recruitment process and endlessly increase your efficiency and productivity. In addition, such software can automate processes such as sending emails and responses to candidates' applications. You will be amazed at how much you can achieve using automated recruiting tools. In this article, you can learn more about how these programs can help you.

From translator. : , Potok.ip, Friendwork, Amazing Hiring, Podbor.io, Arena.tech, Djinny, GeekJob.

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Most of the recruitment includes standard repetitive procedures that you must perform every time you hire a new candidate for the position - place an ad, create a short list of candidates, select candidates for an interview, conduct it, etc. You got the idea. One simple piece of advice that will help you escape confusion is to create checklists for recruiting and a checklist for applying for a job . If you sit down and look in more detail at each stage associated with hiring a candidate, you can develop a checklist that will correlate with him. Each time you need to hire a new employee, you will go through this list to make sure that you have not missed a single step.

Tip 4: Use Templates to Speed ​​Up the Hiring Process

Templates greatly simplify the digital routine. Creating a new job posting every time you need a new employee can be time consuming. Using standard recruitment templates for specific processes, you can increase efficiency and speed up the execution time of other processes. For example, you can use templates to describe job openings , job invitations , rejection letters , etc. - create a single template, and then just adjust the small details, personalizing the description for each vacancy.

Tip 5: Consider including tests in the application process

Tests are a great way to quickly filter out inappropriate candidates. In addition, tests can be a great way to collect useful data, as well as analyze certain aspects of a person’s abilities and personality. You can include simple tests in English or math or tests on topics specific to your industry and organization. There are even a few free online tests that you may well use if you do not have enough time to independently formulate questions.

Tip 6: Choose Common and Affordable Job Titles

Often, the title of the position is overlooked in the vacancy announcement , but this can be of great importance in the selection of staff. When choosing a job title, look from the perspective of the candidates - what phrase do they drive into the search engine when looking for a job? What would most people call such a job? Do not use complicated and confusing names, as this can damage your search ranking when candidates search for jobs. Use simple names, such as, for example, “Sales Manager,” “Office Administrator,” or “Bayer.”

Tip 7: Think About the Structure of Your Interviews

A common mistake of companies is to come to an interview blindly. Remember that for the interviewee, the dialogue can be as difficult as for the candidate. To standardize the interview process and make it convenient for your business, consider conducting structured or semi-structured interviews . The structure does not have to be very detailed, but it should at least contain a basic plan of what you will discuss and what questions you will ask.

Tip 8: Constantly update your vacancy section on the company website

The crime most companies are guilty of: do you know these typical “Employment” or “Career” pages on the company's website? When do you know for sure that the information on it is hopelessly outdated or does its entire content consist of the phrase “No open vacancies”? So do not repeat these mistakes and create the perfect career page in your company! Make sure you regularly update it, fill it with detailed information so that potential candidates really can benefit from viewing it.

Tip 9: Talk to Candidates Regularly

There is nothing worse than responding to a vacancy and not getting an answer, or confining yourself to minimal contact with the business. In order for your candidates to feel comfortable and understand that you value their time, you should regularly communicate with them. Create specific messages for certain stages of the employment process - an e-mail message that you received an application, a message that the application has been approved, etc. - Keep potential employees up to date to avoid bad experiences for candidates .

Are you ready to speed up the hiring process in 2020?

Using these 9 tips for recruiting staff, you can improve the recruiting process almost effortlessly. In addition, you should be able to get ahead of competitors and attract the most qualified candidates to your business, which in turn will help improve internal processes and efficiency - and everyone will benefit!

Why not try some of these recruitment tools and improve your recruiting process by implementing these strategies today?

about the author

Emily Watts, a business and management guru, specializes in all aspects of recruitment. In addition, Emily also makes a great contribution to CustomWriting.com and shares her knowledge and writing skills with other people around the world.

We are waiting for your comments and invite everyone to a free webinar , where we will consider the most effective search tools in social networks, features of search in Facebook and StackOverflow. We will also study the concept of Soft-skills (everyone talks about them, why they need it for a specialist), discuss the future competencies (what are the features and why it is important to know). Let's delve into the trends of the IT market from a different angle (what really motivates IT specialists). We will find out what the Timlids talk about or what we need to talk with them so that people from the market want to go to them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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