AvitoTech On Tour: Android meetup in Nizhny Novgorod

Habr, hello! We continue the AvitoTech regional tour and invite android developers to the meeting in Nizhny Novgorod, which we hold together with the GDG community Nizhny Novgorod.

Mitap will be held on February 29 at 14:00. Let's talk about using MotionLayout, common UI design errors, Kotlin Coroutine, and Avito's CI / CD infrastructure. Register yourself and invite colleagues. Under the cut - abstracts, link to registration and video broadcasting.


Organization and infrastructure of Avito design system - Andrey Danilov, Avito


, -,  . UI.    ,   , .

 2012 ,  android.   β€”     .   , .     -.

MotionLayout. ,   β€” , MERA


  MotionLayout   , . , Google  , ,   .    .

android-   MERA.    Flutter   . UI,  CI.

 Android  open source β€” ,


  β€”   . CI/CD  android 3 , 2020  open source.

  , , ,   . , CI/CD  android, .

  speed, CI/CD android, ios web .

Kotlin Coroutine β€” , Android β€” , Android Broadcast


"Kotlin Coroutines First"  . , Android-   Kotlin Coroutine   ,  Jetpack   .   ,   .

β€” Head of Android Dev  Humans.net, Telegram Android Broadcast . Mobile People Talks. Kotlin.

[14:00 β€” 14:30] β€”
[14:30 β€” 15:10] β€” Android open source
[15:15 β€” 16:00] β€” MotionLayout. ,
[16:00 β€” 16:30] β€” & Android Infrastructure FAQ
[16:30 β€” 17:10] β€” -
[17:10 β€” 17:30] β€” Android Infrastructure FAQ &
[17:30 β€” 18:10] β€” Kotlin Coroutine β€” , Android
[18:30 β€” ] β€” Afterparty

CI/CD Android. , 17:10 17:30 . .

29   14:00. , Timepad. afterparty, .

: , , . 1, -, Sheraton .

 ,  ,  - AvitoTech.   , .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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