Top 10 Essential Eclipse Plugins for Java Developers

Recently I came across a selection of useful Eclipse plugins and decided to share it here. The previous translation in my profile has gone, I hope this post will be useful. Who cares - welcome to cat.

There is no doubt that the Eclipse development environment is one of the most popular for Java development. The fact that many plugins are available in Eclipse makes it a great tool. There are hundreds of Eclipse plugins for various types of tasks and integration with other necessary tools, for example: plugins for downloading code from GitHub, SVN, CVS and so on.

There are special plugins for developing in Java, developing in Python, creating Java applications in Spring, as well as Android applications in Eclipse itself. I was able to increase productivity by just installing the appropriate plugins.

For example, by installing the EGit plugin, you can manage your Git repository directly from Eclipse. You will not need any other Git client. Similarly, by adding Spring Tools, you can facilitate the development of applications on Spring and Spring-Boot.

I met many Java developers who did not use Eclipse to the full. Many Java developers write applications in Spring like any other Java project, which is essentially good, but not optimal. By using Spring Tools to develop applications on Spring, you can increase your productivity.

I was told that among a huge number of plugins, finding the right one is difficult. But Eclipse MarketPlacealready solved this problem: now you can search for Eclipse plugins quickly and easily by looking at the download counter, and, accordingly, popularity. In addition, this can be done in the Eclipse development environment itself.

In my opinion, developers do not use Eclipse plugins due to lack of awareness about them. Obviously, you cannot fully use something until you have information about it. The most interesting thing is that insufficient awareness is observed not only among beginner Java developers, but also among β€œseniors” who have reached a certain ceiling in training.

That's why I decided to share some of the most necessary Eclipse plug-ins for Java developers, which include plug-ins for version control systems (such as Git and SVN), plug-ins for builders (such as Maven and Gradle), and plug-ins for frameworks (such as Spring and Android).

1. EGit , Git integration for Eclipse

Today, this is perhaps the most necessary plug-in for the Java developer. It allows you to download code from GitHub and provides Git integration for Eclipse . This plugin also makes finding and executing history queries quick and versatile. In short, EGit is a must-have for Java development.

2. Spring Tools (AKA Spring IDE or Spring Tool Suite)

There is no doubt that Spring is the most popular Java framework, and Spring Tools makes it easy to create projects on Spring and Spring Boot in Eclipse. Using STS, you can quickly create projects on Spring Boot using the simple integration .

It also supports application development using Spring Java-Config, advanced code completion, content-assist, validation, and quick-fix support for Spring applications. It is ideal for developing microservices using Spring because it allows you to integrate the IDE for Cloud Foundry, including debugging in the cloud.

3. Maven Integration for Eclipse (M2E)

The M2E plugin or the Maven Integration for Eclipse plugin is another popular Eclipse plugin needed for Java development. It provides comprehensive Maven integration for Eclipse.

You can use M2E to manage both simple and multi-modular Maven projects, run Maven builds through the Eclipse interface, and interact with Maven repositories.

In addition, some plugins depend on which version of Eclipse you are using: there is a separate plugin for Juno, Luna, and so on.

4. Subclipse

This is another version control plugin that allows you to download code from SVN and perform all operations related to SVN from Eclipse itself. It is designed and maintained by Subversion developers. The plugin is constantly updated according to the latest Subversion features and releases. If you are working on a Java project in SVN, then this plugin is required for you.

5. Eclipse Color Theme

All developers have different tastes. Some developers like the old ugly color theme Eclipse, others like dark themes like Vim and IntelliJ IDEA.
Eclipse Color Theme allows you to conveniently switch color themes without any side effects. If you want to be able to change color themes or work in several programming languages ​​at once, this plugin can make you happier.

6. JBoss Tools

JBoss Tools is a comprehensive project for a set of Eclipse plugins, which includes support for JBoss, as well as related technologies such as Hibernate, JBoss AS / WildFly, CDI, OpenShift, Apache Camel, Red Hat JBoss Fuse, Docker, JSF, (X) HTML, Maven, and others.

7. TestNG for Eclipse

If you know that JUnit comes with Eclipse, but you use TestNG to write unit tests for your Java project, then this Eclipse plugin can help you. It allows you to run TestNG tests from Eclipse. You can run sets, groups, or individual methods. Bug reports are on a separate tab where you can quickly jump to failed tests.

The plugin also contains several templates for writing tests.

8. Android Development Tools for Eclipse (ADT)

Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE designed to provide a powerful integrated environment for developing Android applications.

ADT extends the capabilities of Eclipse by allowing you to quickly create new Android projects, create UI applications, fix application errors using the Android SDK tools, and export signatures for application packages (APKs) and their distribution.

9. EclEmma

EclEmma is a free Java code coverage tool for Eclipse, available under the Eclipse Public License. It provides code coverage analysis directly in the Eclipse production environment. Used properly, it helps improve code quality by speeding up the rapid development / testing cycle.

10. JRebel for Eclipse

JRebel is a tool that allows developers to reload classes and other resources that have changed since application deployment on the fly. It skips the reassembly, restart, and redeploy cycle that are typical of Java development. JRebel allows developers to do more work in the same time and not get sprayed while writing code.

JRebel supports most existing enterprise Java stacks and is easy to install in existing development environments.

All of these Eclipse plugins are some of the most important for Java developers. Most of them are included in all popular listings on the Eclipse MarketPlace. These plugins are widespread and you may already be using them. If suddenly you have not started any of them yet, I suggest you try.


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