Organization of the intranet (automation of IT production). Part 1 - Users and Mail

Sooner or later, any IT company (outsourcing or grocery) has a desire to organize its own space where you can store information on projects, employees, and sales. Maintain working correspondence and discuss tasks / strategies / documents. Most often, such companies start to code everything themselves or saw something for Bitrix24, etc. In this series of articles I will talk about oura bike- experience in process automation. As expected, almost all self-hosted, opensource and try to do almost without coding.


A series of articles describes an example of the implementation of infrastructure; the author does not urge to repeat and does not pretend to be "correct" in such approaches. Some parts of the described system are actually and successfully used in several organizations for 3 years. The author gladly accepts suggestions for improving the system or suggesting alternative solutions. Please do not breed discussions like โ€œwho needs thisโ€ and โ€œwhat crutchesโ€, who donโ€™t need to, do not read and do not interfere with commentators

So, what can an average outsourcing company want from a similar system:

  1. Database of employees with distribution of access rights to information
  2. GIT , , 1
  3. Chat-Server (Messenger ) 1
  4. , 1
  5. / HR
  6. -
  7. ( )

โ€“ . - , - .

, " GIT ?", " ?" . .

, . , , LDAP . LDAP , , . 3 LDAP OpenLDAP , , , .

, RESTapi. , LDAP .

, OpenSource ERP/CRM (Odoo, Axellor ), OpenProject . , . - PHP, .

, EspoCRM. , " " , . , , CMS, .


, Espo :

  1. HR
  2. -
  3. (CRM :))



CRM. .
( , ).

-> -> User ().
. ( ) :

, Skype, Telegram, VK, Facebook . (, ), , , , , ( ).

, .
/ .

-> -> -> .

- :

, , . , .
, - " " .

EspoCRM, . , - , - .

, . .

โ€” . , . , โ€” email.

โ€” self-hosted . , , . .. 1000 , web- RESTapi. , โ€” .


, , espo.

, , Node-RED.


, , .
Node-RED , : , - . , , , , .

Node-RED . , , API ..

API Token.

"-" - " URL ".

, .

. Directory API, , , :

( )

- :

, . , .<ID>,


, , Node-RED.

global.set('YaConnectToken', 'AgAAAA......');
return msg;

global.get() .

Inject , Flow 1. , . ,

Node-RED + .

  • Flow : inject, function, http request

  • inject, , , JSON


  • function :
    const TOKEN = global.get('YaConnectToken');
    const user = msg.payload; //       
    const body = {
    'department_id': 1, // ID   .,    1
    'is_admin': false, //    
    'nickname': user.userName,
    'name': {
    'first': user.firstName,
    'last': user.lastName
    'birthday': user.dob, // 'YYYY-MM-DD',
    'gender': user.gender, //'male/female/null'
    'password': user.passwordConfirm,
    'is_dismissed': user.isActive,
    'position': user.title // 
    return {
    headers: {
    'Authorization': 'OAuth ' + TOKEN,
    //'X-Org-ID': 1234 //       .  :
    payload: body


  • http request, POST, url

  • Deploy inject ( JSON inject function )

  • , http request , msg statusCode 200 201 payload:

! !

EspoCRM Node-RED

( CRM) Node-RED .
PHP, .
UserSaved.php EspoCRM custom/Espo/Custom/Hooks/User :

namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\User;

use Espo\ORM\Entity;

class UserSaved extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base {
  public function afterSave(Entity $entity, array $options = []) {
    $entityValues = $entity->getValues();
    $entityValues['isNew'] = $entity->isNew();
    $data = array(
      'event' => 'afterSave',
      'entity' => $entityValues,

  public function afterRemove(Entity $entity, array $options = []) {
    $entityValues = $entity->getValues();
    $data = array(
      'event' => 'afterRemove',
      'entity' => $entityValues

  private function _callRed($data) {
    $data_string = json_encode($data);
    $ch = curl_init('__NODE_RED_ENDPOINT__');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
        'Content-Type: application/json',
        'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string))
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    return $response;

Hook . ( ) , - // Espo, Node-RED. , Node-RED EspoCRM ( ) , localhost .

  • Node-RED : http in, http response, debug
  • http in

  • UserSaved.php NODE_RED_ENDPOINT _NODE_RED/user-event
  • Deploy Node-RED
  • EspoCRM ->
  • EspoCRM, ""
  • , Node-RED ( ) JSON
    id: "5e430b3c59783cb41"
    name: "User Test"
    deleted: false
    isAdmin: false
    userName: "usertest"
    type: "regular"
    password: "GVhrB......"
    passwordConfirm: "oRM1..."
    authMethod: null
    salutationName: "Mr."
    firstName: "User"
    lastName: "Test"
    isActive: true
    isPortalUser: false
    isSuperAdmin: false
    title: "Frontend developer"
    emailAddress: null
    phoneNumber: null
    sendAccessInfo: false
    gender: "Male"
    createdAt: "2020-02-11 20:14:52"
    modifiedAt: "2020-02-11 20:14:52"
    dob: null
    inn: null
    emailAddressIsOptedOut: null
    phoneNumberIsOptedOut: null
    emailAddressData: array[0]
    phoneNumberData: array[0]
    defaultTeamId: null
    defaultTeamName: null
    teamsIds: array[0]
    teamsNames: object
    teamsColumns: object
    rolesIds: array[0]
    rolesNames: object
    portalsIds: array[0]
    portalsNames: object
    portalRolesIds: array[0]
    portalRolesNames: object
    createdById: "1"
    isNew: true

isNew ,
passwordConfirm , .
, .


  • ( 2 )
  • function 2
    const user = msg.payload.entity;
    if (msg.payload.event != 'afterSave') { //      ,   
    return null
  • Deploy
  • Espo ( )
  • , Node-RED JSON
  • :)

Node-RED. , . Flow, . ( ).

EspoCRM , , , .


  • self-hosted GIT ( GitLab :))
  • self-hosted Slack
  • HR .
  • .

Q: Why is Node-RED at all, if the request can be made directly from PHP to Yandex?
A: Having integration on the Node-RED side, we can change the configuration, add new services and hooks, to user changes, without additional coding (not counting the small functions on Node-RED). The process of deploying updates comes down to one button.


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