Digital events in St. Petersburg from February 10 to 16

Weekly selection


IT HR meetup # 42. We will talk about 152 Federal Laws, about lawlessness and about freedom of speech in the IT HR community

  • February 12 (Wednesday)
  • Lodeynopolsky 5lita
  • is free
  • โ€œIT HR meetupโ€ is an informal meeting of HR-s from different IT-companies. We are going to share experiences, discuss interesting and relevant issues, as well as to get acquainted with colleagues in the shop and just chat.

Data Science evening # 2

  • February 13 (Thursday)
  • Tolstoy 1-3
  • is free
  •   data science , , IT-
    , , , !

Geekhub QA Meetup

  • 13 ()
  • 64
  • Geekhub Geekhub QA Meetup lead- โ€” Quality Assurance , .
    QA- , QA .

ยซ 2020ยป

  • 15 () โ€” 16 ()
  • 8- .. 25
  • We invite you to participate in the hackathon "Spotlight2020" on February 15-16, 2020 about the main challenges and social problems of the decade. Participants will create applications, services, conduct research and investigations based on data and tasks proposed by non-profit organizations, and the winning project will receive financial support in the amount of 110 thousand rubles. The organizers of the hackathon are the Greenhouse of Social Technologies and Novaya Gazeta.


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