Full analysis of the ShAD-2019 exam

Hello! My name is Azat, I am a 3rd year student at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science. A few days ago a friend from the HSE Economics contacted me and asked for help with solving the problems of the entrance exam at the School of Economics. My classmate Daniil and I looked at the tasks, they seemed to us rather difficult, but very interesting, I wanted to break my head over them. As a result, we solved 1 of the options for 2019 and want to show our solutions to the world.

Task 1

Fill in the third column of the matrix

\ frac {1} {6} \ left (\ begin {array} {ccc} 5 & -2 &? \\ - 2 & 2 &? \\ - 1 & -2 &? \ end {array} \ right)

\ frac {1} {6} \ left (\ begin {array} {ccc} 5 & -2 &? \\ - 2 & 2 &? \\ - 1 & -2 &? \ end {array} \ right)

if it is known that this is the matrix of orthogonal projection onto some plane.

A, :
A2=A :



2 3 , , .



, 3 ,


Task 2

What can you say about the convergence (absolute or conditional) of a series  sum inftyn=1(n+2019)anif it is known that the series  sum inftyn=1(nβˆ’2019)an converges (a) absolutely, (b) conditionally?






βˆ‘βˆžn=1(n+a)an β‡’Aβ€²=βˆ‘βˆžn=1an βˆ€a∈Z.

βˆ‘βˆžn=1(n+a)ann+a (, , -a).

, βˆ‘βˆžn=1Ξ±nΞ²n, Ξ±n=1n+a,Ξ²n=(n+a)an. n=max(1,βˆ’a+1), . . :

1. Bn=βˆ‘nk=1Ξ²k , βˆ‘βˆžn=1Ξ²n .
2. Ξ±nβ©ΎΞ±n+1
3. limnβ†’βˆžΞ±n=0

, . , .

a) T , Tβ€²=βˆ‘βˆžn=1|nβˆ’2019||an| . :


2018 , :


, (1), βˆ‘βˆžn=1|an| .

2018 ( , ) :


, Aβ€²=βˆ‘βˆžn=1|an| . , Sβ€²=Tβ€²+Aβ€² β€” 2 . .

) T , T , Tβ€² β€” .

, S .

, T (1) A. , , S T, , S . , Sβ€² .

. Sβ€² . , 2018 Sβ€² Tβ€², , :



, , . Tβ€² , .

Task 3

Alena loves algebra very much. Every day, going to her favorite algebraic forum, she is likely frac14 finds there a new interesting problem about groups, and with probability  frac110An interesting puzzle about rings. With probability frac1320new tasks on the forum will not be. Let beX- this is the minimum number of days for which Alena will have at least one new task about groups and at least one about rings. Find the distribution of a random variableX. Only compact expressions (not containing signs of summation, dots, etc.) should participate in the answer.

P[X=k]. , X=k. β€” kβˆ’1 , , k- . β€” kβˆ’1 , , k- . , kβˆ’1 . :



Task 4

Dan array  textA[1:n] real numbers, sorted in ascending order, as well as numbers p, q, r. Suggest an algorithm building an array textB[1:n]consisting of numbers px2+qx+rwhere x in textAalso sorted in ascending order. Time limit isO(n), for additional memory - O(n).

A=[x1,…,xn], x1≀…≀xn.

, p>0.


, :

1. βˆ€x:x>βˆ’q2p f(x) .
2. βˆ€x:xβ‰€βˆ’q2p f(x) .

«» f , .

O(logn) A, . reverse . f. 2 . merge O(n) .

p<0 βˆ’f, reverse f(x) -1. .

p=0 q.

1. q>0β‡’f(xi)≀f(xi+1)βˆ€i
2. q<0β‡’f(xi)β‰₯f(xi+1)βˆ€i

. q<0 O(n) reverse. qβ‰₯0 .

Task 5

Real-valued function f defined on the segment [a;b] (ba geqslant4)and differentiable on it. Prove that there is a pointx0 in(a;b), for which


. βˆ€x∈(a;b):fβ€²(x)β‰₯1+f2(x).

, :




g(x)=tg(x+C). , fβ€²(x)β‰₯gβ€²(x)βˆ€x∈(a;b)β‡’f(x)βˆ’f(a)β‰₯g(x)βˆ’g(a)βˆ€x∈(a;b). , f , , , g.

g C. , g(a)=f(a). :


, bβˆ’aβ‰₯4. (a;b) xβ€² , xβ€²+C=Ο€2+Ο€k ( Ο€<4). g(xβ€²)=+∞. , f(xβ€²)β‰₯g(xβ€²)β‡’f(xβ€²)=+∞.

, - (a;b) . , , . .

Task 6

Square real matrix A such that A textT=p(A)where p(x)- polynomial with nonzero free term. Prove thatAreversible. Is it true that for any operator varphi: mathbbRn to mathbbRn there is a polynomial p(x) and some basis in which the matrix  varphi satisfies the condition A textT=p(A)?

, , A=p(AT), :



, A=p(AT)=p(p(A)).

1. . A . x≠0 , Ax=0. , xTAx=0. :



, xTAT=(Ax)T=0:


, p0β‰ 0β‡’β€–xβ€–=0β‡’x=0. .

2. Ο• A=(0100) .

B=Cβˆ’1AC, C β€” .

, A2=0, An=0βˆ€nβ‰₯2. Bn=Cβˆ’1AnC=0βˆ€nβ‰₯2.

BT=p(B). 1 , BT=Ξ±B+Ξ²E.

Ξ²=0, , , , B , (.. detB=detA=0).

, B=p(BT)=p(p(B)).

: B=Ξ±(Ξ±B)=Ξ±2Bβ‡’(1βˆ’Ξ±2)B=0.


1. Ξ±=βˆ’1:



2, :


detB=detA=0. :


. Ο• , .

2. Ξ±=1:

BT=p(B)=B. BTB=B2=0.



3. Ξ±β‰ Β±1.

, (1βˆ’Ξ±)2B=0β‡’B=0.

A Ο• , AT=p(A). .

Task 7

Dan count with 30peaks. It is known that for any5 vertices in the graph there is a cycle of length 5containing these vertices. Prove that there is10 peaks pairwise connected by edges with each other.

, diamG≀2.

2 u v 3 . , 5 . , 5 . u v 2 ( ). diamG≀2.

v∈G. , v 1, 2. , Β«β€Ž Β»β€Ž 2 :

. a,b,c∈L2. x∈G. , . , , v a, b c 1, .

, |L2|≀2β‡’|L1|β‰₯30βˆ’1βˆ’2=27, 27.

(, β€” , ) 10. 10 G β€” , ( , ) 10 Β―G.

Β―G. G v degvβ‰₯27βˆ€v∈G, degΒ―v≀2βˆ€Β―v∈¯G.

«» (1) «» (2). - degΒ―v≀2.

(1) ⌈m2βŒ‰, (2) β€” ⌊m2βŒ‹.

k β€” , k1 β€” «». :

|I|=k1βˆ‘i=1⌈mi2βŒ‰+kβˆ‘i=k1+1⌊mi2βŒ‹ kβˆ‘i=1mi=30

, , , . , , 10 3. .


, Β―G 10 , G 10 . .

Task 8

Find the limit




ΞΎn=# n

β€” 15.

P[ΞΎn=k] :


Cnβˆ’1kβˆ’1 β€” nβˆ’1 ( 1 ).
(15)n β€” .
(45)kβˆ’n β€” .


, ΞΎn≀5n -. , 5n β‰₯n .


S5n=# 5n


S5n=5nβˆ‘i=1Ξ·i,Ξ·i=I{i }


S5n. :



, :



In general, the exam is quite complicated. My friend complained that preparing is not easy. This is really so - you need to not only know the vast mathematical theory, but also have the skill to solve olympiad problems, in the ShAD they give just such. Therefore, to prepare you need to train a lot, remember the theory and fill your hand.

If you have other ideas for solving problems or any comments, feel free to write to me in telegrams @ Azatik1000 . Always happy to answer!

Azat Kalmykov, curator at ShAD Helper

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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