New ZX Spectrum Game Contest - Your Game 6

Habra regulars may recall several game contests for the ZX Spectrum (an 8-bit computer based on the Z80 CPU), which were highlighted here:

Recently announced a new competition for games for the ZX Spectrum - " Your Game 6 ". The main difference between “Your Game” and “Retro Games Battle” is that it is allowed to work under the domestic Spectrum “hardware” ( which is still produced by enthusiasts ).

What does it mean?

First of all, that expanded memory (up to 4 megabytes) and the “color per dot” mode (16 colors from the R2G2B2 palette) become available. This mode appeared in the Moscow clone of the Spectrum under the name ATM Turbo (1991) and, with some changes, is supported in ATM Turbo 2 (1992), turbo2 and turbo2 + from MikroART (1992, 1993), ATM Turbo 2+ from the NedoPC group (2004), computer-designer ZX Evolution (2009), an extreme version of the Pentagon Pentagon 2.666LE from KoE (since 2013) and a new board on the loose ATM3 v8.0 from zorel (2017).

The difference can be shown by the example of two versions of the same Ninjajar game ! by The Mojon Twins . The first picture is under 128K, the second is under ATM2:

It can be seen that the color conflicts disappeared when the hero was superimposed on the background - the usual pain of Spectrum games.

If you develop games immediately in color to a point, then the difference becomes even more significant ( Nomad by hippiman game ):

In general, you understood the idea :)

Other examples of color-to-dot programs can be downloaded here (there are quite a few).

, 8- (Covox) ( ATM2 HDD, SD- ZX Evolution, , NedoOS — . ).

, — ZX Spectrum 8- , - , 1985 .

“ ” 2014 10 , ATM2 ( ), — 3/ZX Evo baseconf ( ), — 128 ( ), — 48.

, , , ZX Evo baseconf ( 48K/128K/Pentagon1024/ATM2/ATM3). , 48K 128K. (SD-card, HDD, CD-ROM, FDD 3.5" 5.25"), (FAT16, FAT32, iS-DOS, TASiS, TR-DOS CP/M) (Hobeta, .SNA, .TAP, .FDI, .TRD, .SCL, .COM (NedoOS, iS-DOS, TASiS, CP/M) CD-ROM), ZX Evo (baseconf). - , (, TurboSound General Sound). : , , , , . .

158000 (₽).
( ):

  • 50000 —
  • 30000 —
  • 20000 —
  • 50000 — ( )
  • .

— 4 2020 . — .

, , 2020 ( ). , , “”.
, .

, ZX Evo (baseconf):

, ZX Evo:

Organizer Addresses:

  • for participants (team search, help with a code, testing, accepting applications and works): dmitry.alonecoder (at)
  • for sponsors (preliminary arrangement and transfer of funds to the prize fund): staspi (at)


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