Githabification of Information Security

Towards an open, vendor-independent and community-friendly model for accelerating Information Security training

December 8, 2019

John Lambert JohnLaTwC, Distinguished Engineer, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center


The combination of Information Security Specialists within the global community accelerates subject-specific training.

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: Splunk Search Processing Language (SPL), ElasticSearch β€” Domain Specific Language (DSL), Microsoft Defender ATP β€” Keyword Query Language (KQL). , Yara Snort ...

Sigma, , . Sigma β€” , (@cyb3rops) (@blubbfiction), ("") . , Sigma , Splunk, ElasticSearch, QRadar . SOC Prime -, Sigma, . Sigma Sigma . Sigma .

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  • . Sigma SIEM/LM , . . Sigma , (, , ). , Red Teaming, Sigma, Purple Teaming.
  • , , . Sigma Yara Snort.

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  • β€” Notebook. , , . . Notebook , , . Notebook Python ( ) , Pandas. , Notebook . Jupyter β€” GitHub 5 Notebook.
  • Notebook . , . GitHub, . - Notebook, . . Notebook β€” , .
  • Jupyter Notebook . Jupyter Notebook - "", β€” , Notebook ( Python, .NET ) . Notebook Windows, Linux, Mac . , , .

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, Windows API (InternetConnectA, HttpSendRequestA, ..) , (VirtualAlloc), : "Magic Unicorn β€” PowerShell Downgrade Attack ". β€” (Dave Kennedy, @HackingDave).

, Notebook, . , (Roberto Rodriguez) , Jupyter Notebook . ThreatHunterPlaybook Project Jupyter . Netscylla , Notebook . Notebook, GitHub, binder:

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Jupyter , , , , . , Jupyter . Jupyter Notebook .

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, (Swetha Prabakaran).

(Florian Roth, @cyb3rops) Sigma GitHub. , "Pull request" β€” . Pull Request Sigma:

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β€” Open Security Collaborative Development (OSCD) β€” . 2019 , Sigma MITRE ATT&CK. Sigma 40%:

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  • -, ATT&CK, Sigma Jupyter Notebook
  • Python Jupyter Notebook
  • , MITRE ATT&CK, Sigma Jupyter Notebook

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(Freddy Dezeure, @FDezeure), (Florian Roth, @cyb3rops), (Thomas Patzke, @blubbfiction), (Leah Lease, @LeahLease), (Tim Burrell, @TimbMsft), (Ian Hellen, @ianhellen) (Roberto Rodriguez, @Cyb3rWard0g) , , , , (@denisbalan), (@noesall), (@zinint), (@MazahakaJay), , - (@SuslikDaRete), (@l1c3t), (@AlienJolka), Oleg Chepurchenko, Michael Tyomkin, Sveta Gaivoronski, Fanta Orr, (@yugoslavskiy) .

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  • Sigma Yara
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  • ( , , "process_creation", Sysmon Event ID 1 Windows Event ID 4688)


  • Python
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