CMake Optimization for Static Libraries

Probably none of us like to wait long for the completion of the project assembly, when every second is like an eternity. And itโ€™s good if itโ€™s working hours, and you can pass the time with a glass of coffee, discussing all the shortcomings of automatic garbage collection.

Sometimes, certain success can be achieved by performing CMake optimization. The technique considered here is based on a simple idea: two static libraries that use each other's functions can be assembled simultaneously.

A bit of anatomy

To begin, consider the basic steps of building a static library:

  • preprocessor - removes all comments from source files, inserts header files and replaces macros with calculated values.
  • compiler - converts the files processed by the preprocessor into assembler code.
  • assembler - translates assembly code into machine code; The result is saved as object files.
  • archiver - collect object files into a single archive.

Graphically, these steps are shown in the diagram:

, . , . . , , . 

, , CMake target_link_libraries. :

target_link_libraries(staticC PRIVATE staticB)

, โ€” staticC staticB. , , , staticC, staticB.

, CoherentDeps, :

, staticC staticB, .

, , , ( , ) INTERFACE, -meta ( , ). , -, .

target_link_libraries .

, :

: NonCoherentDeps.


  • staticA
  • staticB
  • staticC


staticB staticA, staticC staticB, NonCoherentDeps staticC. :

CMake- staticA - :

add_library(staticA-meta INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(staticA-meta  INTERFACE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}")

, :

target_link_libraries(staticA PUBLIC staticA-meta)

staticB CMake

target_link_libraries(staticB PRIVATE staticA)


target_link_libraries(staticB PRIVATE staticA-meta)

staticA staticB, . staticB staticA .


โ€” :

add_executable(NonCoherentDeps main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(NonCoherentDeps PRIVATE staticC staticB staticA )

, .
, staticA, target_include_directories. NonCoherentDeps, :

target_include_directories(staticB PRIVATE "${path_to_headers_in_staticA}")


target_link_libraries(staticB PRIVATE staticA-meta)

, staticB staticA, staticC :

target_include_directories(staticC PRIVATE "${path_to_headers_in_staticB}" "${path_to_headers_in_staticA}")

. :

target_link_libraries(staticB-meta INTERFACE staticA-meta)

staticC :

target_link_libraries(staticC INTERFACE staticB-meta)

staticB, , .

Also in the meta-package you can add a dependency in the form of a command to generate header files, and the properties are correct paths.


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