News from the world of OpenStreetMap No. 497 (01/21/2020-27.01.2020)

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FernĂŁo de MagalhĂŁes' Route around the world in honor of the 500th anniversary of the world tour by Fernand Magellan on OSM 1 | CMETOC | map data OpenStreetMap contributors


  • — Wikimedia OpenStreetMap, ( ), ( OSM), . 6 : , , , , . Talk , amenity=drinking_water amenity=fountain drinking_water=yes. , .
  • , , OSM ( overpass) Sentinel-2. , volcano:status=active ( ), .
  • , , 2018 .
  • amenity=give_box, , - .

  • , LGBQT+ (), 11 — , MAP-BEKS. 600 , , 150 , , — .
  • OSM . — (DW2515 OSM) — , . WikiOSM.


  • , « OpenStreetMap, » OSM .

  • AGIT 2020 OSM OSGeo/FOSSGIS. () 8 10 2020 . , .


  • HOT HOT Summit. , OSM, SotM.
  • Giscience API OpenStreetMap.

  • () . . .
  • - 2020 .

  • , Mapbox, OSRM-talk : - .
  • , « » MapOsmatic.

  • OsmAnd — Online GPS Tracker. , , , Android.
  • Skunks , OpenStreetBrowser (v.4.7), , , , . .


  • image

    FlowingData — - , — -, ( ), ? GitHub.
  • … , OSM, ? . : - () ().


  • BusinessMirror « , », . OSM PeopleForBikes, .
  • - «MIND/DisasterMon platform». — , , . API Openrouteservice, HeiGIT, .
  • Tesla Baidu, Google, , .
  • Rob Matheson talks about using artificial intelligence to collect data for digital maps in an article on the model of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Qatar Computing Research Institute. Researchers trained and tested their model, which is supposed to collect road characteristics, such as lanes or parking spots, with OSM data.

Communication of Russian OpenStreetMap participants is in the Telegram chat room and on the forum . There are also groups on social networks VKontakte , Facebook , but they mainly publish news.

Join OSM!

Previous issues: 496 , 495 , 494 , 493 , 492


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