Cases for applying network anomaly analysis tools: detecting the spread of malicious code

I will continue to review cases related to the use of IS monitoring solutions using the NTA (Network Traffic Analysis) class solution. Last time I showed how you can detect information leaks, but this time we’ll talk about identifying malicious code inside a corporate or departmental network.


What's so hard about detecting malicious code? They put an antivirus and it catches any malware. Alas! If it were all that simple, then you probably could have forgotten about this problem forever, but no ... The number of successful malware infections does not get smaller, and all because attackers constantly change their techniques and tactics, modify malware, they use incorporeal malware, they use legal utilities for administration (the same PowerShell) ... And this is if you do not consider situations where on individual nodes there is either no antivirus at all (IT specialists do not want to install it because it slows down), or for this platform it simply does not exist. And maybe there is a situation that I have had to deal with repeatedly in different companies.The top manager picks up malware on his home laptop or tablet and drags it into the company so that local IT specialists figure it out. The device connects to local Wi-Fi and this is how the internal epidemic begins; even in a network isolated from the Internet. In any case, the antivirus is far from always a salvation from modern malicious code, and we need other methods to detect bad guys on our network.

What is characterized by modern malicious code? Are there any signs that can tell us that something is going wrong in our network and that we still got some kind of infection? If you do not take into account classical viruses that do not have the function of independent distribution over the network (and you have long seen classical viruses), then among the signs that can characterize the presence of malicious code on the network, I would name the following:

  • scanning internal nodes looking for vulnerabilities in operating systems or applications
  • scanning internal nodes looking for open ports through which you can connect to the system
  • interaction with well-known command servers
  • atypical traffic from the host (previously unmet protocols, exceeding the typical amount of traffic, server protocols at workstations, etc.).

These are network signs, which are almost independent of which malicious code is used. So, you can try to identify them and monitoring tools for anomalies and threats based on Netflow (or other flow protocols) are the best candidates for this. Let's see how this can be done using the Cisco Stealthwatch solution as an example.

What is the difference between a conventional scan, for example, a security scanner, and a scan performed by malicious code? In the first case, in most situations, iterates through open ports on one computer, then on another, on the third and so on. Such attempts to identify quite easily. It is easy to determine when the scanner simply checks for only one open port in the address range. For malicious code, the principle of operation is different - it scans nodes, finds vulnerable ones, gets over to them, scans again, finds vulnerable ones again, and so on.


It is such a development that we can recognize with the help of special algorithms embedded in the NTA.


An additional hint to us is the role of computers from which the scan was recorded - in all cases, these are workstations of sales and marketing employees who scan entire subnets, which are also logically related to the sales division.


Having found one infection point with the subsequent spread of malicious code:


We can try to find other potential victims of the malicious code: Having


correctly configured the anomaly analysis system, next time we can no longer conduct separate investigations that answer the question of whether we have a network scan or not ? It will be enough just to see the corresponding alarm indicator (recon) on the main console:


and clicking on it, to get a list of everyone who has been noticed in “illegal” computer activities (by the way, the first illustration in this article shows another way of visualizing the scale of distribution of malicious code).


It is worth recalling that a seemingly simple scan may be the first signal for more serious problems. If phishing emails are one of the first steps by which attackers begin their activities, then by infecting one computer, they expand their bridgehead and the main way to do this starts with a scan. This is how WannaCry acted, so Shamoon acted, so hundreds of other malicious programs act, resulting in serious incidents.


Having recorded the fact of scanning and spreading malicious code, we are faced with the task of conducting a more detailed investigation and understanding whether a node was already infected, than it was infected, when, etc.? The NTA class solution alone cannot do this, since you cannot answer these questions by telemetry alone. But in the case of Cisco Stealthwatch, a free Cisco Threat Response solution will come to our aid, about which I already talked about integration . It is enough for us to click on the node of interest to us and in the drop-down context menu we will see the possibility of launching CTR, which in turn can collect information about the node of interest to us from various systems - Cisco AMP for Endpoints, Cisco Umbrella, Cisco Talos, etc.


Here's what the picture might look like that the free Cisco Threat Response displays based on its capabilities for enriching and visualizing security events:


CTR can show us malicious files associated with the site of interest to us, which we can check through the Cisco Threat Grid sandbox or the VirusTotal service. Having data on one node, we can see who he interacted with or is interacting with in the framework of the incident, where the attack started, what malicious code was involved in it, how the network penetrated, and answered many other questions that are of interest to security analysts.


And then we can already conduct additional verification of the received artifacts using external Threat Intelligence services, which can provide us with more indicators of compromise, more information about the attackers, more information about the techniques and tactics they use. And it all started with a simple network scan detected by the solution for analyzing anomalies using Netflow (or another flow protocol).



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