In the footsteps of DevConf and CfgMgmtCamp or what you can learn by going to the speaker at 2 international conferences in 2 weeks

It was the first experience of going to foreign conferences and immediately a speaker, an interesting experience, I tell you. Tell someone at school that I will speak, and even in English - I would never believe it. So look in the soulless numbers of the conference: 

  • 225 performance notes
  • 180 km covered
  • 90 photos with lions
  • 6 flights
  • 5 cities
  • 4 trains
  • 3 workouts
  • 2 hotels
  • 1 pair of Ansible socks.

Who is who and for whom? 

Find 7 differences

Compared to Russian conferences, the organization is different, it feels more like mitaps, which caught my eye:

Specialized and narrowly targeted.

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perfomance - .


It’s lucky if there is an English track at the conference, at the meetings in St. Petersburg over the past 3 years I remember only meeting 3 in English
By default mitaps, not to mention conferences, in English

What was interesting


What was remembered:


What was remembered:

  • Untitled Config Game - There was a simple Lamp system, but suddenly 200 servers in the data center with 0 automation and it became difficult ... you need to control the state of the system, but bash scripts don't manage system state well. And here begins the history of configuration management in general and state in particular.
  • Magic YAML - Funny lightning about yml turns out to be in YML; keys can be multi-line or empty.
  • I got 99 problems and a bash DSL ain't one of them - very emotionally narrated about the cyclical development of SM.

I want to speak at an international conference in English. What to do?

Fear your desires, for they are fulfilled. As it turned out, everything is simple. I will describe my experience only my experience and observations, I can not guarantee that it will suit everyone.


It looked like this to me:

  • October 15 and 16 filed applications.
  • November 29 and 30 came confirmation.
  • December 1 letter at work about the opportunity to go.
  • December 4, the green light to speak at the expense of the company.
  • Travel arrangements, thinking through logistics and other formalities.

Those. The process is sooooo simple, there was neither ringing, nor filters for language and adequacy, perhaps the presence of a blog played a role and that Russian already spoke with this topic (even the cross- post hub contains the English version of the transcription of the speech). There were rumors that when choosing reports, two groups made: only the name of the speech (without name) and a detailed description. Then, for each group they took the top and accepted into the program. 

Well, ok, got into the program, then what? 

Check list preparation

He is not particularly different from preparing for a regular performance:

  1. Phoning, acquaintance and discussion of the topic.
  2. Run and feedback after.
  3. Somewhere here you are accepted into the program.
  4. Run.
  5. Repeat the run N times.
  6. Run on stage a day or two before the event.  
  7. Scene.

Of the features:

  1. Slides in English.
  2. There are contact details, twitter & email. 
  3. You can make a page about yourself, literally 10-20 seconds to show that you are also a person, well, or a robot.
  4. The main ideas are duplicated in capacious, understandable phrases. Text. Large print.
  5. A run of material has been made, preferably from a different country of listeners.
  6. You need to bring a laptop and suitable adapters, adapters, clickers with you

What is it like?

Technically, this was not the first speech in English, before that, a speech at the ITGM and a course of 6 lessons for German colleagues were in the piggy bank. In Russian and for a long time. But all the same, a small jerk was due to the fact that for the first time in English, to an unfamiliar audience. Naturally, there were technical overlays, and people didn’t make jokes, but as a result, 10% of the audience is converted to questions, discussion of problems, new approaches and utilities for solving the problem. 

Just interesting facts

I don’t know what to write as a conclusion, so there will be a selection of observations:

  • The stands are called booth, but in the RU communities of those who left, they are called a booth.
  • Twitter directly decides here. spoke after dinner, while people accumulated all sorts of informal conversations there was a frequent question, and which Twitter account he wrote in chalk on a blackboard.
  • We talked at the speaker prep for about an hour until we realized that we both know Russian.
  • The small cities of Ghent, Brno are more pleasant than Vienna, Brussels. At the same time, you can walk from one edge of the city to the other in an hour.

  • Feels like Belgium is 2 times more expensive than the Czech Republic. For example, in Brno for 2 people spent 15-20 for dinner, in Ghent for one 30. 
  • The urinals amused themselves in the middle of the street, but unlike Denmark they do not close, and you can see the upper body of the visitor.
  • . . 80 .
  • - Milfgard .

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