Real estate market analysis based on data from

Recently I was faced with the problem of choosing an apartment and of course the first thing I decided to find out is happening on the real estate market and, as it usually happens, half of the experts from say that real estate will grow, the other says that on the contrary, the price will fall. In the end, I decided to figure it out myself, and that's what came of it.

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In order to understand how the price has changed lately, it was necessary to find real prices for the sale of real estate. Prices from target sites like or are not suitable, since apartments usually go there at a discount and you can’t find out the real selling price, so I noticed a real estate website where you could see the actual price for which you bought the apartment. We are talking about the site, of course , you can read more about it in this review. In a nutshell, we can say that this organization is engaged in the sale of apartments under a contract of fulfilled rent at auction.

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