How I decided to do a text quest for iOS and what came of it. Part II, work on bugs

The beginning of the story is here .

In short:

For the last three years of my life, I have worked on cruise ships.
Got married. I had to look for another profession.
Searches are sluggish. And one fine evening, I decide to buy myself a macbook and become an iOS developer.
I'm going to Udemy. I'm starting to learn.
In one lesson, we make a text-based Lifeline clone game.
I get the idea to make a full text game from my fantasy book.
Six months of headaches, lack of sleep, malnutrition.
Finally, the game is ready.
Release ...

So, what happened next?

Expectations VS Reality

I will say right away: a miracle did not happen.

Not that I really hoped for him. But you know how it is. You say to yourself: we will be realistic, in 2020 the probability of winning the App Store with a text game is extremely small ... You say, but to yourself you think: it’s small, it’s clear ... well, what if?

Well, “what if” this time did not happen. What then happened? Let's have a look.

A few things are striking.

a) A sharp surge at the beginning of the chart.
b) A very dreary conversion rate.
c) The number 119 (yeah!).

Well, the surge at the beginning of the chart is a simple phenomenon. He is associated with a brilliantly conducted marketing company that came down to one post on the hub and one on the pickup.
All? Yes all.

You can talk about conversions for quite some time. And you can write a doctorate.
There are two possible reasons for the low conversion.

  1. Incorrectly configured keywords, which is why the application was shown to users potentially not interested in it.
  2. My hat-thinking attitude towards screenshots, a description and generally everything that determines how the application page looks in AppStore.

The first few weeks after the release, I reasoned like this: there are screenshots and okay. After these weeks, I thought about it, which resulted in screenshots taken several times and a rewritten description.



In my (again) an exclusively subjective view of improvement is evident. However, they did not lead to a significant increase in conversion. Which (again) makes me think about the objectivity of my exclusively subjective view.

We are going further.

What have I been doing last month?

In addition to redoing screenshots and studying (looking at) statistics on the AppStore Connect. You may be surprised (I myself, for example, was surprised), but it turns out I was not idle. Taught by the bitter experience of his previous projects - from musical to literary - barely realizing that I was not destined to win the App Store with my text game, I waved my hand and ... what would you think? That's right, he began to conquer Google Play.

The decision was dictated by a number of reasons, but the main thing was that the marketer and PR man made me feel like that, and the programmer ... well, the programmer, maybe also so-so - but firstly, I study (as a programmer, not PR specialist), and secondly, writing code is still more interesting to me than writing advertising articles and press releases.

No sooner said than done.

I went to Udemy again, acquired the course “The Complete 2020 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart” at the same time as Angela Yu, from whom I studied Swift ... and in less than a month I finished the course and ported the game to Android.

What happened next?

Error handling

Nothing at all. At least for now.

Well, you must admit, it is strange to expect dizzying success in the Play Market, when there was not even a hint of it in the App Store.

Well, that is, it’s strange, of course, it’s strange, but there is such a voice in my head that says: what if? .. There should be a sad, wise smiley, but I think they have not yet invented such ones.

Summary, ladies and gentlemen.

If you read this and are also considering creating something in the spirit of what I did, then here are my five cents:

What I did wrong .

  1. , ( ), , . — . — . , . ?

    , — // .
  2. - - — , , — , , . «» ///urbi et orbi… . , , - . . , .
  3. . . , , . . , - . . - , , .

What have I done so .

Well, this is what is called a debatable issue.

Feels like: I walked confidently through all the rakes I could. But this is actually not the case. And the fact is that by this rake I basically went somewhere. And from there, where I am now, quite interesting prospects are opened up.

Well and most importantly, of course, these are 119 people, to each of whom I am deeply and sincerely grateful who downloaded my application. And some were not too lazy and downloaded twice left a review, and I am doubly grateful to them.

I know, I know that there will be those who see in this post a malicious attempt at self-PR, so I leave links to the application under the cut.

Do not press!

And so, I wish you all the peaks on the horizon and the desire to conquer them!


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