Open conference PHP Russia Online

At the only PHP conference in Russia, there were to be 22 reports from developers of tools that we all use, and many chamber events. More than half of our speakers were supposed to fly from different countries, so the threat of transfer or cancellation hung over us even before the official Russian decisions. And after that everything went wrong ...

But we do not despair and plan to hold a large offline conference on September 14 in Moscow, and so that the PHP community does not get bored until the fall, the PHP Russia Online online conference will be held on May 13 and, thanks to the support of Badoo , it became free.

We decided to experiment with the format: in the conference program there are only foreign speakers, and communication at the conference will be bilingual ( UPD: For all reports, a stream with simultaneous translation into Russian from Skyeng will be available).

For experienced PHP developers, Russia Online will provide an opportunity to hear presentations and ask questions to the leaders of the PHP community - it is always better to receive first-hand information. And for those who have already achieved first successes in PHP development, but have not yet reached the middle level, there is a charge of inspiration and guidelines, what to look for, where to develop.

Due to the fact that Badoo helped us make the online conference free for participants, on May 13 we are waiting on the online platform for 2000 PHP developers . And on such a scale, everyone will be able to find with whom to discuss a topic of interest to him, and make useful contacts or talk with someone who in the real world is very difficult to catch.

Plus online - the number of participants is not limited by the physical size of the site. We are ready to collect at least all PHP developers - register and invite colleagues (share the link with foreign colleagues ). Participation is free, but be sure to register. In addition to the obvious fields, we ask you to share a link to GitHub, a blog, LinkedIn or a resume, just to protect yourself from an irrelevant load and better know our audience - no trick or transfer of data to third parties.

Before introducing the speakers to PHP Russia Online, I’ll also say that the conference will be hosted by Sammy Kaye Powers , an open-source engineer from Datadog, a very active member of the PHP community, lead the PHP roundtable podcast and contributor to the PHP engine.

Effortless Software Development

Anna Filina began programming in 1997. Anna is an author on the Pluralsight educational platform, an experienced speaker and expert in the field of development, testing and refactoring, loves to do things that seem impossible.

At PHP Russia Online, together with Anna, we will understand how simple acceptance tests and a few diagrams may be enough to proceed directly to the code. These techniques will allow you to create a clean and testable DDD code design without worrying about implementation details. And only then implement the design in the code so that the developers do not step on each other's heels and all together work perfectly.

I recommend Anna’s report if you are interested in knowing how her team manages to implement the functionality faster than the client manages to approve it.

Getting the most out of the PHP 7 engine - the example of Symfony

Nicolas Grekas is working on Symfony from both open source and business. As a developer, Nicholas has been fixing bugs and submitting new features for 6 years to make Symfony more convenient. On the business side, Nicholas’s main goal is to build a sustainable company on the foundation of the Symfony ecosystem.

At the conference, Nicholas will give a presentation entitled “ Getting the most out of the PHP 7 engine - the example of Symfony ”. Yes, we can say that PHP 7.0 is almost a story. But do you know exactly how to get the most out of this version of the language? Together with Nicholas, we will analyze the code optimization methods implemented in Symfony, and take a fresh look at some PHP 7 performance stereotypes.

Practical Security in Web Applications

Chris Holland has been in development for over 20 years, and now leads the development team at TriNet, a recruiting company. Collaborates with the magazines NomadPHP and php [architect] magazine, published in CIOReview.

Report by Chris on PHP Russia Online will focus on web application security. After all, what is the biggest threat to information security for business projects? That's right - the very fact of being online. There are a million chances to create a vulnerable application and there are not many ways to do it right. Chris will tell you how to identify and prevent the most devastating web application security errors.

Queues, busses and the messenger component

Tobias Nyholm is Symfony's core developer, one of the leading podcasts in Sound of Symfony, and the organizer of PHP meetups in Sweden.

At PHP Russia Online, together with Tobias, we will deal with the basics of queues and hexagonal architecture. After all, message queues are an ideal way to decentralize an application. And with the help of the message queue, you can separate the application from the framework and infrastructure. This is not difficult if the application is written in pure PHP. And what to do if you use Symfony / Laravel / Yii, we will just learn from this report , however, using the Symfony Messenger component as an example.

More Than a Query Language: SQL in the 21st Century

Markus Winand calls himself the SQL Renaissance Ambassador and says that his mission is to convince developers around the world that SQL is alive, it feels great and has gone far ahead in its development over the past decades.

It would seem that back in 1999, SQL went beyond the limits of the relational model. But it took a couple more decades for database developers to take this for granted. Marcus Vinand in his speech will show that SQL has changed as much as the development requirements over the past 20 years, give a general picture of the evolution of the query language, and show examples of modern SQL features.

Time is an illusion (lunchtime doubly so)

Andreas Heigl works at bitExpert (a German provider of software and media solutions), solves problems and sometimes uses code for this. He also works as a jack of all trades in several open-source projects, participates in the life of the PHP user community in Frankfurt am Main (PHPUGFFM) and the resource.

The issue of Andreas’s report is easy to understand for anyone who has ever seen messages beginning in the morning with Good Morning. Andreas suggests delving into issues related to time zones. This is important, since neglecting the time difference, you can make a lot of errors in the code and databases. Register and connect to find out how to deal with these errors.

Cycle, ORM and graphs

Anton Titov, CTO of SpiralScout LLC, talked about the RoadRunner server last year . This year, Anton will introduce us to another operating time - Cycle ORM. Let's talk about why, in principle, ORMs are needed (if everything is so good with SQL), how they work and how they should be built: dependency graphs, object graphs, DataMapper and persistent layer. And, of course, Anton will talk about the Cycle ORM device.

It was possible to gather such a strong international composition of speakers for several reasons. This is the active work of the Program Committee, in which cool developers are known in the PHP community, and the strength of the community, and, importantly, the successful pilot of PHP Russia. In order for future developers of the language, frameworks and tools that we use to come to us, we need to show the strength of the Russian PHP community. Show that the level of PHP development does not lag behind, and sometimes overtakes world practice. Therefore, register and get ready not just to listen to the reports, but to take a lively part in the discussions and behind-the-scenes discussions.

See you, see you May 13 at PHP Russia Online!

: - - (KnowledgeConf, ++, TechLead Conf), -, 10 2020 .


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