February IT Events Digest

After a short break, we return with a new review of activity in the domestic IT community. In February, the share of hackathons significantly outweighed everything else, but there was also a place in the digest for artificial intelligence, data protection, UX-design and technical meetings.

Ecommpay Database Meetup

When: February 6
Where: Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 12,
Participation conditions: free, registration is required

Ecommpay IT invites everyone who is used to dealing with highly loaded systems to come to talk with company employees who have also gained a lot of experience in this area. Communication will flow smoothly from a free discussion into presentations from the organizers and vice versa. One of the lectures will examine the twenty-five-year history of MySQL and the reasons for switching to the most modern version. The second speaker will demonstrate live capabilities of Vertica and prove that this DBMS meets all the basic requirements for analytical systems. Finally, the third presentation will be devoted to the specifics of the financial application infrastructure, taking into account the increased requirements for stability and fault tolerance.

TeamLead Conf

When: February 10 - 11
Where: Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 12
Terms of participation: 39 000 rub.

Professional conference for team leaders with respectful scope. The program includes two days of presentations with a wide range of problems (crushing tasks into microtasks, building relationships in the quad I-team-project-customer, breeding juniors, selecting candidates, on-broding, risk management ...), as well as four practical workshops for choosing and meetings on interests.

Data Science evening # 2

When: February 13, February 27
Where: St. Petersburg, st. Leo Tolstoy, 1-3
Terms of participation: free, registration is required

Just two cozy winter evenings with talk about the fate of data science in general and specific development problems in particular. At the first meeting, we will talk about the principles on which speech and its recognition systems are built in general, as well as the experience of speech synthesis with deep learning from developers working with the Chinese language. Themes for the second February meeting will be announced later.


When: February 14
Where: Krasnodar, st. Suvorova, 91
Terms of participation: from 6000 rubles.

The event is for all 1C specialists - programmers, system administrators, consultants, analysts. The main topics covered in the reports include highload optimization, DevOps in 1C, integration and data exchange, tools and development methods, project and team management, problems of personal motivation. To stimulate the exchange of experience between experts, the organizers allocate a special space where each speaker can discuss issues of interest immediately after the speech.

Process Panda Meetup

When: February 15
Where: Togliatti, st. 40 years of Victory, 41
Terms of participation: free of charge, registration is required

The next mitap of the Panda group announces as its theme the organization of processes in IT teams with all the associated problems. Among other things, those present will talk about how to survive for developers who are part of a great many project teams, how to manage processes with minimal interference in the work, and how to create a benign working environment. A short expert presentation was prepared on each topic, but the event will not revolve around the speakers - a lively collective discussion is given priority.

Goldberg's car

When: February 15-16
Where: Krasnodar, st. Gagarina, 108
Terms of participation: free of charge, registration is required

Hackathon for those who want to abandon unreasonably complex systems with many integrations and start living. The organizers offer an interesting challenge - the creation of a multi-link chain of programs, algorithms or functions, each of which performs a strictly defined task and produces a result distinguishable to the eye; A complete list of system requirements can be found on the website. Frontend and backend developers, as well as designers and analysts, are invited to participate. The prize is also not quite familiar - Orange Pi One microcomputers with a quad-core Cortex-A7 AllWinner H3 SoC (chip on chip) Quad-core 1.2 GHz to each member of the winning team.

Hackathon "Spotlight 2020"

When: February 15-16
Where: St. Petersburg, 8th line V.O., 25
Terms of participation:free, registration is required

An initiative to create everything that is tied to data and can help humanity overcome the coming decade - from research and investigation to services, applications and plugins. The United Nations program is offered as a source of inspiration to teams; in particular, efforts can be focused on identifying data gaps or poor quality, discrimination, conflicts of interest, suspicious activity. Along with programmers, the event will bring together designers, researchers, data specialists, journalists and activists. The best team will receive 110,000 rubles. on the development of the project.

PhotoHack TikTok

When: February 15-16
Where: Mira pr., 3, p. 3
Terms of participation:free, registration is required.

PhotoHack Hackathon aims to develop content generation algorithms for the TikTok service. The main requirement is a viral reserve, an original idea that will encourage people to share automatically processed photos. A technical implementation can take the form of a web application or product for Android with any backend. Participants will be provided with PhotoLab development tools (software for designers and APIs for developers). The prize fund of the first stage, at which only the viability of the idea and prototype will be evaluated, is laid in 800,000 rubles .; In total, the company expects to spend two million on project support.

AI in dialogs

When: February 19
Where: Moscow, st. New Arbat, 32
Conditions of participation: free, registration is required

The theme of the conference is outlined strictly - not abstract artificial intelligence, but artificial intelligence in the realities of Russian business. At the same time, the organizers made sure that it was interesting for both notorious segments of the audience - both entrepreneurs who can see what advantages AI technologies are transformed for customers, and developers for whom cases for working with NLP components, ML tools will be presented, speech synthesis and recognition management. A demo zone with prototypes of products will be presented on the site, where you can communicate with robots in person and configure them to appreciate the flexibility of solutions.

Burning Lead Meetup # 10

When: February 20
Where:St. Petersburg, st. Flower, 16, lit.
Participation conditions: free of charge, registration is required The

next, more chamber meeting of team leaders who long for understanding and exchange of experience with colleagues. Two reports are planned with subsequent discussions; details of the program, the organizers promise to present soon.

# DREAMTEAM2020 Hackathon

When: February 22
Where: Ufa, st. Komsomolskaya, 15, office 50
Participation conditions: free of charge, registration is required

A classic hackathon for developers of all stripes - backend, frontend, mobile fullstack development. General direction - solutions for communications and debugging of work processes; narrower tasks will be announced before starting work. A total of about a day is allotted for development; according to the results of the presentation of the projects, the experts will award three prizes - 30,000 rubles, 20,000 rubles. and 10,000 rubles. accordingly, other participants will receive certificates.

Neural machine translation in business

When: February 27
Where: Moscow (address to be confirmed)
Conditions of participation: from 4900 rubles.

Another conference on AI with a practical bias and a mixed audience, but with a narrower subject - everyone who carries out or uses machine translation will gather on the site. For convenience, a separate block has been allocated for the reports and activity of IT specialists, where technical issues related to model training are discussed: how to select and prepare data, what repositories exist, according to which schemes the results are evaluated, and demonstrations of tools on the market are held.

ProfsoUX 2020

When: February 29 - March 1
Where: St. Petersburg (address to be confirmed)
Participation conditions: from 9800 rub.

And again, the largest Russian conference for anyone involved in or interested in UX design. The first day was given for presentations, where the whole variety of problems and bottlenecks in design work will be discussed: how to work with a complex audience, whether biometrics can be used in research, whether good interfaces can rise above bad conditions, what is human UX, how to do design with the expectation of gaming consoles, online fitting rooms, stressful situations, poor language skills - and much more. The second day will be a series of master classes (they are paid separately) from experts in various fields - currently the range of topics covers the generation of ideas, UX leadership, prototyping cycle, creating product maps.

QA Conference: Security + Performance

When: February 29
Where:St. Petersburg, st. Zastavskaya, 22, building 2 lit. A
Terms of participation: free, registration is required

Quality control at this event will appear before the audience in two ways - safety and performance, with the division into appropriate flows. The Performance thread contains reports on a number of areas and performance testing tools (JMeter, LoadRunner). On the Security thread, speakers will analyze the general principles of security testing, the common vulnerabilities of mobile and web applications and their identification methods, and security testing practices. It will be possible to consolidate the acquired knowledge at a workshop with elements of a team game: participants will have to try themselves in the role of hackers, attacking all available vulnerabilities in the presented web applications. The most destructive team will be awarded.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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