Frontend mitap Facebook and AvitoTech

Hello! My name is Alexander Zubov, I am responsible for the front-end Avito architecture. I want to invite you to a front-end meeting that we hold in our office together with the Facebook Developer Circle: Moscow community.

Mitap will be held on March 5. We will talk about the http / 3 protocol, the use of Relay Modern and the problems of the classical approach to managing the state of an application when developing complex interfaces. Speakers from Yandex, Facebook and Avito will perform. Under the cut - abstracts, information about speakers and a link to register.


HTTP / 3 ... is it already possible? - Alexander Zubov, Avito


30 years from the date of the first draft of the http protocol. What has changed since and what has not changed? Let's talk about the prospects of the new http / 3 protocol, the timing when it will be possible to use it in battle, and how to help bring this moment closer.

The last 6 years I have been working in Avito, before that I worked in various industries from eCommerce to fintech. In Avito, I lead a small team and am responsible for the front-end architecture of the mobile and desktop versions of sites.

Relay Modern:   — , independent developer


    .   , Relay Modern    local state ,   Relay Modern .

. , Waves - . Cyber Security, ML&AI.

— , .


  ,   .   , . , .

  .         .. VueJS TypeScript.

Web security — , Facebook


web2.0 ( web3.0) HTML5 -  , , :   24   . :  -: , , . , .

  ,   - WhatsApp,   .

frontend-   Facebook     .   WhatsApp,  Google   .    WhatsApp web Mac desktop .

5   18:30, —  19:00. , . ,   .     ,  .

: , , 7, 15 .



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