6 reasons to hate a radar detector

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about why far from all road users still use radar detectors. As with any other technical device - from Apple computers to a juicer - a number of myths have long developed around radar detectors, which for the most part are no longer true. You can find out if there really are annoying factors in modern models under the cut.


It is believed that radar detectors use only reckless and fans to exceed the speed. In fact, today these devices are useful to those who do not want to receive fines, sometimes unjustified. The policy of installing cameras and road signs in many regions raises big questions, and the activities of the Moscow Transport Department, thanks to which drivers get fines, even while in traffic jams, make them look for ways to combat injustice in relation to their wallet. However, there is a whole range of “minuses” that stop people from installing radar detectors in the passenger compartment.

He constantly beeps and annoys everyone


Indeed, there are many models of radar detectors on the market that are completely impossible to use in the city. They constantly emit warning signals, even if no radar is nearby and in sight. However, this is more likely for the cheapest models that can be bought for $ 30 on AliExpress. Modern radar detectors use interference filtering technologies, which are called SAFP (Superior Anti-falsing Platform) in Playme products. The device’s memory stores the types of signals emitted by various transmitters in the same ranges as police radars. And if a modern radar detector is sure that there is not a camera in front, but, for example, a shopping center with automatic doors or another car with the CAS system installed, it will not make unnecessary sounds.

Moreover, today in the firmware of devices that support GPS, automatic switching between the "City" and "Track" modes according to the speed value you set is provided. In the second case, the sensitivity of the device is increased to detect radars at a greater distance. At the request of users, our engineers also developed the “City1” mode, in which the sensitivity is specially reduced, which allows to reduce the level of false positives to a minimum.

You can be fined for a radar detector


Oddly enough, the concepts of "radar detector" and "radar detector" are still confused. Radar detectors are indeed prohibited, as they actually jam the work of police cameras. Radar detectors only detect characteristic radiation and warn drivers.
They can be fined for a radar detector with the same success as for a stop on the side of the road, that is, if the inspector simply tries to take the driver "to the show." In addition, for those who would like not to advertise the use of a radar detector, many combo devices have been developed that combine the functionality of a radar detector and a DVR . Visually, they do not differ from ordinary registrars and do not raise any questions.

Anyway, he identifies the cameras too late.


Indeed, you can buy a radar detector that detects cameras when your speed is already fixed. However, this is typical for models without signal amplifiers, as well as for obsolete devices. For the most popular radars, such as CRIS, the detection range on Playme models is over 500 meters, which gives enough time to slow down. For the ARROW radar, which itself is characterized by increased range, the detection distance is even greater - more than 1 km.


More importantly, modern radar detector models are equipped with GPS modules. For example, in the Playme line, all devices can accurately determine the coordinates of the car and its speed. The traffic police now constantly publishes an up-to-date map of radar placement, and by regularly uploading the camera database to the radar detector (we at Playme issue an update at least twice a month), you will receive advance notice about the cameras indicating the type and distance to the radar. At the same time, if the car moves at a speed of 40 km / h, sensible radar detectors will not signal the sound of approaching a section with a speed limit of 60 km / h.

Unable to adjust the normal sensitivity of the device


Poor firmware quality and improper menu execution are business cards of noname devices for cars. This also applies to DVRs and radar detectors. If the firmware has been adapted to Russian operating conditions, you can easily configure sensitivity, warning thresholds, and additional device functions (especially when it comes to combo devices).

Radar detectors do not work with athermal glasses

There is some truth to this point. Of course, glasses with metallized coatings reduce the intensity of incoming signals. That is, a radar detector installed in the cabin will notify you about the presence of a radar a little later. However, this does not mean that he will not determine it at all! For most cases, the range remains sufficient for a timely reaction and speed reduction, and in some cars there is an uncoated area on the window to which you can just install a radar detector.


For those who want to find out first about the presence of radars, there are also separate kits with a remote module for the radar detector. For example, a Playme MAXI combo device involves installing a mini DVR in the cabin together, and a radar detector directly in the radiator grille to guarantee maximum efficiency.

They are ugly and spoil the car's surroundings.


The radar detector changes the appearance of the dashboard. And if you do not like its appearance, you can recommend a device of the original form, such as Playme Silent 2 , or the already mentioned combo devices - both with separate installation and integrated into one case. By the way, a radar detector can be part of a DVR mounted on a rear-view mirror - this is how the Playme VEGA model works .



For residents of large cities, literally stuffed with cameras, the use of radar detectors becomes a natural way to save the family budget and not substitute for the cunningly placed signs. In addition, if you drive along the highway at a calm pace, you are not at all afraid of mobile patrols and you only want to receive reminders about approaching stationary and mobile cameras, you can even install a DVR with a GPS informant. For example, the new Playme SIGMA model costs less than five thousand rubles and successfully warns about police cameras, according to the GPS database.


This approach does not raise any questions at all, because informing about cameras and driving modes is successfully applied not only in Russia, but also in many other countries .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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