OS Sivelkiriya: mission and launch form

Hello, Habr.

This is the second article in a series of publications about the Sivelkiriya OS currently being designed. The first article is available here , the next one here . Since the comments to it repeatedly asked questions about the purpose of the whole undertaking, as well as about the amount of labor that will have to be invested in the development in order for it to “take off,” this publication will focus mainly on them.

Firstly, the mission of this development will be described (in the following articles, a detailed overview of those systematic problems of existing software that are proposed to be solved within the framework of this development will be added to the abstract). Secondly, on the example of possible ways to launch the proposed OS, it will be shown that it will be possible to start benefiting from the development even before the critical mass of available software is recruited or a complete migration to the new system is completed.

The technical and organizational aspects mentioned in this article will be described in detail in the following publications.

Mission of OS Sivelkiriya

The mission of the Sivelkiriya operating system is to integrate disparate digital products into a harmonious whole based on a platform that guarantees the compatibility of any software solutions.

This principle is best formulated as a list of basic rights of interested parties, the implementation of which within the framework of OS Sivelkiriya is guaranteed by the organization of interaction and the structure of the operating system itself. Below is a complete list of such provisions with some explanations about how exactly the Sivelkiriya OS contributes to the realization of this right.

  1. The user has the right to choose the software solution that best suits his needs .
    • Any of the modules used can be replaced by another, more suitable, without rebuilding or losing the overall functionality of the solution.
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    • As with software, the central repository support team provides owners and intellectual property providers with support, including blocking pirates.
  16. Corporate users have the right to develop software in a closed mode.
    • It is possible to create closed repositories, software from which cannot be transferred outside the infrastructure.
    • Corporations developing software for their own needs have the opportunity, if necessary, to move away from the structure of interfaces and modules regulated by the OS development team, but the availability of such software is limited by their organization.

Platform Coverage

The Sivelkiriya operating system is designed to run in the following modes:

  1. As the main operating system on x86 and ARM platforms;
  2. As a set of graphical applications under the main operating system;
  3. / .

Below we will show why such opportunities are needed.

Launching as the main operating system provides Sivelkiriya with the ability to directly control available devices. On the one hand, this allows optimal control over the expenditure of system resources, for example, processor time and RAM. On the other hand, it confronts the user with a hard choice: switch completely to a new operating system, under which, at the initial stage, software for comfortable work may not be enough or not use it at all. It is unlikely to be a mistake to say that many young operating systems have not been able to overcome this milestone: the lack of programs scares off users, and the lack of users scares off developers.

To solve this unpleasant situation, the Sivelkiriya OS offers a second way to launch it - as a set of applications compiled for some basic operating system (for example, Windows, Linux, or Android). From the point of view of the modules launched in it, there is no difference with the first option, since they still interact with other modules and the system core through the same API. From the point of view of the user, the difference is that now he continues to work with his main operating system, using Sivelkiriya only to solve those tasks that are currently most conveniently solved in it.

Finally, the third version of the Sivelkiriya assembly is to make the object interfaces existing in it visible to some external context. As a result, third-party software will be able to use the Sivelkiriya modules in the same way as it uses ordinary shared libraries, and although the internal implementation may imply the interaction of the modules and their distribution into different libraries or processes, these details will be hidden from the calling context. From the point of view of the functioning of Sivelkiriya itself, the difference between the second and third launch options is only that in the second case, the user interacts with its graphical interface, while in the third case the API is called by other systems.

The proposed option allows you to make the period of filling the new operating system with programs as useful as possible, since the decision on a complete migration can be delayed or rejected altogether, continuing to use only those features that are required by a specific user. Thus, the main goals facing Sivelkiriya - ensuring compatibility and accessibility - will be achieved at minimal cost.

The question of whether Sivelkiria should be called the operating system when launched under some other OS is left to theorists, since for our purposes it is not a matter of principle.

The first publication of the cycle is available here , the next - here . The full text of the article is available on the project website .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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