Timlid market research in Russia

Two weeks ago, Yegor Tolstoy came to us in New.HR (Yourdestiny) and asked to collect data for his report on TeamLeadConf .

Egor was interested in:

  • How many team lead vacancies are there on the market.
  • How many vacancies are closed by external candidates, and which by internal ones.

We had only two weeks before the conference, the desire to make an interesting analysis of the market for team leaders, and here is what we managed during this time:

1. We found out how much timlid costs on average if we analyze only public sources.

Few! And, in our opinion, these figures should not be trusted. In the article, we explain why.

2. We found out what percentage of team vacancies is closed with the help of internal candidates .

To this end, we launched supershort questionnaire in several specialized channels: Pain team lead , Notes tehdirskie , Psy v of IT , Job jobseeker for of IT-TOP . Almost 250 answers were collected, and many wrote about their personal experience in the free field. Thank you very much! This is very valuable!

3. We wrote our recommendations to those who want to become a team leader .

4. Updated their own expert assessment of team salaries .

  • This is expert data, without medians and percentiles.
  • These ZP expectations of team leaders are correct for candidates who are not looking for work.
  • We recommend that you focus on these numbers if you have plans to hunt a team leader from the IT / digital industry.
  • , .

5. Formulated that, in our opinion, increases the cost of timber .

6. Squeezed and made up the article. We will be glad if it is useful to you.

The article can be read in PDF or below, but note that there are only pictures! You might like to watch them as a PDF.

We plan to make another cut of the Timlid market, in about half a year.
Write, if you are interested in learning other things about everything related to team leaders, we will try to take into account your wishes!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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