The book “The Universe. Travel in time and space "

image"Universe. Travel in time and space ”was written by a professional astronomer, director of the Astronomical Observatory of Irkutsk State University Sergey Yazev.

“If we only wrote about what is known for certain, think about sober minds, how it would be uninteresting to read!”

This is a story about our steps towards the knowledge of the Universe - from boiling and seething matter to sentient beings; from the most primitive, fabulous and mythical ideas about the structure of the cosmos to today's astonishing theories and hypotheses; from black holes, tunnels through time and space, to microscopic particles in which their worlds are concluded with their physical laws.

And most importantly - this book is about what will happen next with humanity and the universe. After all, it seems that we are at the very beginning of the road and ahead of a lot of interesting things - that which will actually come true!

Space Museum








»More information on the book can be found on the publisher’s website
» Contents
» Excerpt

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