Seeker let him find

Many people think about their concerns before going to bed or when they wake up. I'm not an exception. Today in the morning in my head came up one comment from Habr:

A colleague in a chat shared a story:

Last year I had an awesome client, this is when I took a clean “crisis”.
The client in the devgroup has two teams, each engaged in its own part of the product (conditionally, back office and sidefront, i.e. software working on the formation of the order and software working on the execution of the order), occasionally integrating with each other.
The back office team went right on the very bottom: half a year of solid stocks, the owners threatened to fire everyone, they hired a consultant, after the consultant they hired more than the other (me). Moreover, the second team (sidefront) worked norms and continued to work norms, namely the back office, which before that also worked norms, began to mow. Teams in different offices are sitting, accustomed to pissing at each other.

Reason: stor and backing is one system, it has a lot of dependencies, teams in different offices, did not communicate with each other. Owners always “look” at the sidefront, respectively, they have new features, ideas and control there. In it was a boy-for-all-hands, such a combination of BA, designer and "bring us coffee." This boy, imperceptibly for his team, performed a bunch of small tasks such as “warn the second team about the deployment”, “update the documentation”, etc. routine, up to "add all version numbers and components to the ticket in fat". But the boy did not write the code, and at one moment the owners decided to optimize it by firing him. For the store’s team, nothing has changed, they just didn’t bring in or update the docks, and the backoffice team found themselves in a situation where the store’s releases break something, and this is their problem, and if their releases break something on the store,this is again their problem, because the store is in full view of the owners :)

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