Ok Google, thanks for the new car

An article with a similar headline, only without quotes, could be written by car manufacturers / sellers. But since they still havenā€™t written, it means they either didnā€™t understand where the wind was blowing from, or I was exaggerating. Let's try to figure it out.

Who am I? I am the happy and unhappy owner of a brand new top-end smartphone from a well-known manufacturer of everything in the world, with the 10th (at the moment) Android ā€œon boardā€. Why happy and unhappy? In a nutshell do not explain.

Why happy? Some time ago, my mobile provider made me an offer, which I could not refuse. For a nominal fee, I was offered a top-end smartphone from a well-known manufacturer. At that time, there was the 9th Android.

I must say that the proposal was made very handy, since the battery of my then smartphone (the same series, but 2 generations younger and with the 8th version of the OS) began to catastrophically lose capacity. The native information transfer program worked "perfectly", and I began to enjoy the capabilities of the new device.

I enjoyed exactly until the moment when I found out that telephone conversations stopped being recorded. Why recording telephone conversations is important to me - I will explain a little later.

So, at first I did not attach much importance to this fact. Well, think about it, the program got crooked during the transfer. I reinstalled the program - and it did not work. I completely reset the phone and, without installing anything, installed only this program - and it did not work. ā€œProbably, they didnā€™t manage to finalize it under the 9th versionā€ - a soothing thought came. But when a dozen other programs, too, refused to record the voice of my interlocutor, then all sorts of bad thoughts climbed into my head.

The immersion of consciousness in the global information field brought sadness. It turned out that around the 7th version of Android, the Great and Terrible GoodwinGoogle decided that recording telephone conversations is Evil. Why he decided so - we most likely will never know. Even within the United States themselves, there is no explicit prohibition on recording. It all depends on what state you are in. On the remaining surface of planet Earth, there is also no ambiguity - can you write or not.

Well, who else but the dough corporations of Good to fight Evil? .. And I must say that this struggle was with varying success in version 8. And in the 9th version ended in a complete and unconditional victory. The Great and Terrible completely cut out the API, which allows third-party programs to record the voice of your interlocutor. So users who need a recording can only suffer to admire the new black interface. And I became miserable.

Now I will explain why it is important for me to record telephone conversations. In Russia, I would be called an individual entrepreneur (I am not in Russia, I am in Canada). At work I have to travel a lot, and also communicate a lot with clients, including by phone. And often these two classes coincide in space and time, and more simply - they call me when I drive.

A phone call while driving in any case distracts from driving, to one degree or another. Earlier, when I could record a conversation, calls didn't really bother me. I knew that upon arrival, in a relaxed atmosphere, I would once again listen to the conversation and write down what we needed to do. Now, answering the call, when I drive, bright prospects open before me. I counted 4.


The first bright prospect is to ask the client to call back later or wait for my call. From the point of view of traffic safety - itā€™s not bad. Why is it like - you will still be distracted by the thought "Why did he call?". In terms of making money - so-so. Of course the old, experienced customer will call back and wait (although it happens that they also urgently need). But the new one is not a fact.

The second bright prospect - purring the client with the most gentle voice ā€œDo not hang up, your call is very important to usā€ urgently seek a stopping place in order to record everything in a calm environment. So-so idea, on either side. Vanity while driving did not bring anyone to good. Yes, and the ability to quickly stop there is far from always.

The third bright prospect - without stopping the movement to find one notebook with a pen with one hand. Then place it on the steering wheel \ knees \ dashboard \ adjacent seat (underline as necessary) and try to record the most important moments with minimal glances from the road (I can not write without looking). From the point of view of security - ā€œRussian rouletteā€. If you go straight along an empty road, thatā€™s okay, but if you need to maneuver ... Itā€™s easier to crash right into somewhere.

The fourth rainbow perspective is the recorder. Yes, another box installed in a pre-selected place where my voice and the voice of my interlocutor from the car speakers are equally acceptable. Two problems can arise here. The first with reliability, the second with the law. With reliability itā€™s clear - you need to remember to charge, bring, install, turn on and turn off at the right time.

With the law - Iā€™ll explain now. The fact is that in the right place I have nothing to fix the recorder for and I would have to keep it. And the Canadian government is strongly opposed to drivers twisting all sorts of electronic gadgets in their hands while driving. And if the government is against, then the police are against. Which regularly catches fans of electronic masturbation and painfully punishes them.

Therefore, normal Canadians talk while driving through the headset or through the car system. And with this method of conversation, the voice of the interlocutor is not available, in the latest versions of the OS, for recording. Vicious circle.

ā€œBut what about crutches?ā€ You ask?
"They exist!" - I will answer.

I know three.

The first crutch is ā€œradicalā€. Get root, put your favorite program and forget about this nightmare. Unfortunately, I am not ready to give up the guarantee yet. Let's wait - weā€™ll suffer ...

The second crutch is official. You can put some kind of dialer (free) from the Great and Terrible, which will record the voice of your interlocutor (at least) by pressing a button. Itā€™s just that the records will be kept, whoever doubted, in the cloud of the owner of the dialer. Not for me yet. I have not yet come to the conclusion that the content of my conversations is of no value.

The third crutch is "rogue". Do not use a headset, turn on the phoneā€™s speaker during a call and record a conversation through a microphone, since recording through a microphone is still available. It is this ā€œcrutchā€ that I use now. There are programs that do this automatically, upon the call. There are two nuances.

The first is the quality of the recording and the very possibility of a conversation strongly depends on the level of ambient noise.

The second - if you got out of the car, you forgot to turn off this mode, then when a client calls you in the middle of the store and begins to cover you with an agreement on the terms of the warranty exchange, everyone around you will know about the sexual relations of you and your relatives about how you take care of your customers.

It turned out a paradox: starting to use the latest device, we can say - the pinnacle of human thought at this point in time, I thereby reduced the convenience and, as a result, the safety of my own life.

How is convenience related to security? I think - directly. If driving has become less convenient then less safe.

Many drivers know that centimeters and milliseconds separate an accident from a strong fright. And it may very well happen that itā€™s not enough for me, because at that moment I will listen to the quiet voice of my telephone interlocutor.

And to blame for the incident anyone but yourself will not be right. For it is said - "and your head is always responsible for where your butt sits." But I also know that hockey players are evaluated not only by the number of goals scored, but also by the number of assists that made it possible to make an effective shot.

And therefore, somewhere deep down, Iā€™ll still say OK Google, ā€œthank youā€ for the new car!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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