Problems of Russian information education and their possible solutions


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There are many problems in modern school education. In this article I will cite several shortcomings of information education in schools, as well as try to describe what solutions can be ...

1. Inadequate teacher training

I think everyone understands how quickly the IT industry is changing especially recently. If in terms of transferring from one number system to another or drawing up flowcharts, everything is very static, but here are new technologies, trends, programming languages ​​and their paradigms - all this changes very quickly and so that the teacher can be in a “ trend ” with students and understand what is going on around him so that he can give interesting examples and make a lesson in a high-quality manner, for this the teacher must know a lot of things besides how to make a table from 3 11 or in OpenOffice Calc .

Even if the curriculum involves teaching only the Pascal language, the teacher must understand other modern, industrial languages, especially if there is a student in the class who is interested in programming.

Otherwise, the situation is as it is now, where a young teacher is already monotonously giving information on what is needed in order to raise x to the power of 14 in turbopascal .

Solution:local authorities min. the enlightenment and the school itself must have the mechanisms and resources to not only send the teacher to general continuing education courses every year, but also sponsor his additional training, including in private paid courses, even if they are foreign, But do not forget about books and other paid sources of new, useful information. Also, legislation should give more freedom for enthusiastic teachers who want, for example, to give their students Python or C ++, rather than impose Pascal, as in the new textbooks for grades 10-11, where according to the GEF, there is only the mentioned language.

2. Class equipment

I know that in the new, newly built schools, the classes are very well equipped, but what happens in older institutions, for example, which were built before the war, is a contrast to say the least.

Old, scratched monitors, defective video cards with output artifacts, system units warming like a blast furnace, cluttered keyboards with missing keys - this is not a complete list of problems.

Important is not only and not so much the equipment itself and its external condition, but the fact that the capabilities of modern educational software are not used.

For example, there is a practical lesson on working with the notorious tables and the teacher has to run around the class, leaning over the students' monitors, instead of using the same Veyorit was possible from your workplace and without fuss, to deal with a student’s problem - without shouting “Come up!”, without wasting time walking, etc.

We give another example of a lesson: a lecture lesson, the teacher stands at the blackboard and explains the material. Well, in most schools, despite the good progress in this topic, chalk boards are still hanging. Chalk dust enters the lungs and, if exposed for a long time, causes a chronic cough, or more seriously. Also, in lessons it is often required to show work with the program or presentation, since projectors are already almost everywhere, and you have to choose either a projector screen or a whiteboard, although it is often necessary to mark or circle something, as you understand it, do not especially convenient.

Decision:there can be different ways, if the equipment itself allows, then you can simply install the software, although again everything can rest on the qualifications of the teacher. My suggestion is simple. To ensure that the school does not constantly wait for handouts from higher authorities for the purchase of equipment and due to the fact that it is impossible to directly demand or raise money (and I am against breaking the law), I think it’s worth setting up an NGO (fund), perhaps even the federal one, which, together with the school administration and the parent committee, will be able to create a project for some kind of modernization, and then collect donations from various sources - philanthropists, and even parents of current students, of course everything is voluntary.

Also, I believe that you need to go around and demand that local authorities allocate money. You need to go to the reception at least with the entire parent team and say that we want to fix or replace, then that, maybe even with an estimate.

3. Reluctance to learn and associated teacher

Many of the students in the current school simply do not want to study. Yes, knowledge of the basics is necessary and yes it is connected not only with computer science.

Also, the teacher has been in a rather constrained position since they began to accept the FSES, since in essence such a thing as a “teaching experiment” is leaving and now everything is unified, so the teacher cannot somehow expand or trim this or that topic, because if someone thinks of filing a complaint, then someone else may lose and so not a big bonus.

Decision:I believe that, after a certain class, computer science should be an optional subject, since for most, learning to work with a mouse, keyboard, the basics of algorithms, and the base in office software work is enough. Dear reader, if you are a programmer, I perfectly understand your thoughts about the fact that data types, their understanding, as well as loops, branches, functions and procedures, are very important and interesting knowledge, but not for everyone.

Thus, the second problem can be solved by itself, since after submitting a single base, the teacher can be given free rein and given freedom in how and what to teach students who have chosen the subject, for example, which programming language.

Conclusion:naturally, there are still many common problems for the education industry, such as a lack of personnel. In this article, I examined and tried to give solutions only for those problems that are most obvious, understandable and blocking the learning process for me.


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