A selection of entertaining statistical facts # 4

A selection of graphs and results of various studies with short annotations from the author of the Telegram channel Groks . Entertaining infographics about the trillion economy of smartphones. Sales of the phones themselves account for almost half of all revenue. A quarter of this amount is spent on the purchase of applications, and even more on advertising. Accessories to phones add 16% of their cost. The share of music is greater than that of the video.

A couple of years ago, many publications wrote about the greatness of hemp ecommerce. A couple of months ago I shared a chart that showed that stocks of marijuana in warehouses are growing many times faster than sales. Now I am sharing a graph indicating that the bubble bursts. In general, the forbidden fruit is not so sweet.


  • According to Counterpoint Research, the total profit of smartphone makers in 2019  fell  by 11%, due to an increase in the number of models in the middle price category. At the same time, 32% of all sales revenue and 66% of all market profits go to Apple.
  •   33% , 10% 74% . , , , 50%.
  • Bridgewater , 10% Facebook, Amazon Google . 0,4%, 0,6%. .
  • , Huawei   18% 2019 . 240 .
  • 89% of people wasted  spend  on work time, 10% of the waste of more than 3 hours a day. A significant proportion of these losses are colleagues, and not just social networks.
  • In 2019,  142 startups worth more than $ 1 billion appeared in the world  - 16 less unicorns than a year earlier. Among them: 78 from the USA, 22 from China and 5 from Germany and Brazil each.

This post is a compilation of entries from my channel for December using the #analytics tag. You can find the previous issue here . Many thanks to all for your attention!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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