Coronavirus 2019-nCoV: low mortality, high mortality

Over the past few days, many articles appeared in the media with data on mortality and mortality due to 2019-nCoV. People often confuse these concepts.

What is this interview in the Moscow Komsomolets worth:

Link to the original
Journalist asks about mortality, the interlocutor answers about mortality! Is it simple incompetence or, again, "a scientist raped a journalist"?
What's the difference?

UFO Care Minute

COVID-19 — , SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV). — , /, .

, .

, , .

: |

(. Mortality rate) — , . — . . 100 000 . ? , . :

? . , , : 60 100000 — ? .

. , , . , , - . , , . , , .

" " (2019-nCoV). :

2-3% , ? - . ? ! . 2% — . , 0,5%. — , , 96 , 2- 2- , , 4%, 50%. . , , . .

? , , , , . !

(. Case fatality rate (CFR)) — , - , . , , .

2019-nCoV ((427)/(427 + 781)) * 100% = 35%.

- . : , . , , 2%, .



, , 10 , , 13 5000.

, , .

(. Basic reproduction number) — , . .. . 2019-nCoV , 4.08. !


  • .
  • 80% — 60 .
  • 75% (, , - ..).
  • 71% — .


  1. , MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV . , 2-3 .
  2. , . . , , .
  3. (71%!!!).
  4. , , .
  5. - , , - 2019-nCoV.


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