Why and for whom we do Slime Agile

Over the fall-winter 2019, I participated in agile transformation in all roles and types. The pain is still alive. I gathered all the bumps and made all the mistakes that I could. The main mistake is arrogance, for some reason I decided that with my knowledge of psychology and management experience it is enough to read a couple of articles about agile, and I can figure it out.

I believe that the key to normal transition to agile is a qualified customer. That is, the owner / director / leader, who understands why he needs an agile at all, knows the difference in frameworks, estimates resources and terms, is ready for crises and does not rely on the “golden bullet”.

The second element of success is a qualified participant in the agile team, who understands why this is all, why these weeklies and retro, why to improve the working process, what to expect from the scrum master and why you should listen to this “enthusiastic fool”, only then the agile starts working .

Slurm Agile - our attempt to prepare customers and participants.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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