Food Design Digest, January 2020

The digest has been collecting fresh articles on interface design, as well as tools, patterns, cases, trends and historical stories since 2009. I carefully filter a large stream of subscriptions so that you can upgrade your professional skills and better solve work tasks. Previous issues: April 2010-December 2019 .

Food Design Digest, January 2020

Patterns and best practices

Choosing the right UI component for communication with your users

Adam Shriki laid out patterns to notify the user according to the degree of comfort for the user. From push notifications and popups that pull out of the current thread to more neutral tooltips.

The Role of Animation and Motion in UX

Page Laubheimer of the Nielsen / Norman Group describes the role of animation in interfaces. The list is fairly standard, but the description language is more professional.

Evidence-based design heuristics for idea generation

77 heuristics for design and evaluation of industrial design.

Videos as Instructional Content - User Behaviors and UX Guidelines

Aurora Harley of the Nielsen / Norman Group gives tips on organizing and posting video instructions on websites.

Texts in Yandex.Drive

Mikhail Ozornin has assembled a collection of Yandex.Drive interface texts, very humane.

Dark patterns

It seems that there was a reprimand for the lords of the dark patterns from Booking. The European Commission has forced them to reduce the number of blinking notifications and psychological tricks .

Baymard institute

Design systems and guidelines

EightShapes @components

Nathan Curtis has put together all of his articles on design systems. He is the most sensible author on the topic, so this is better than any book. He and EightShapes also animated Twitter of the same name .

Dark theme

DarkModeDesign - Best Resources for Designing and Building Dark Mode Apps and Websites

The site collects materials on the design of a dark theme. Official guides and speeches of Apple and Google, articles of companies. I supplemented my article with missing ones .

The Ultimate Guide on Designing a Dark Theme for your Android app

A detailed analysis of the features of creating a dark theme in Material Design by Chethan KVS. It goes through all the basic aspects of preparing colors, states of elements, illustrations, etc.

Google Dark Mode app roundup - Everything available so far

A powerful overview of all Google applications on Android with a dark theme.

Building Dark Mode on Desktop

Slack's Kyle Stetz talks about introducing a dark theme. They did it through tokens.

Implementing Dark Mode in iOS 13

Instagram Tim Johnsen talks about supporting a dark theme in the iOS version of the app.

Turn the lights off - designing for dark mode

Tips for creating a dark theme from Briandito Priambodo based on your implementation experience in the Wego app.

Building Dark Mode into a Complex Web App

Clubhouse's Andrew Childs talks about introducing a dark theme. They made a fun tool to reduce the number of colors, a mandatory step in the transition to a design system.

Building Dark Mode on Desktop

Slack's Kyle Stetz talks about introducing a dark theme. They did it through tokens.

Implementing Dark Mode in iOS 13

Instagram Tim Johnsen talks about supporting a dark theme in the iOS version of the app.

Turn the lights off - designing for dark mode

Tips for creating a dark theme from Briandito Priambodo based on your implementation experience in the Wego app.

Building Dark Mode into a Complex Web App

Clubhouse's Andrew Childs talks about introducing a dark theme. They made a fun tool to reduce the number of colors, a mandatory step in the transition to a design system.

Design system checklist

Detailed checklist for the implementation of the design system. Visual language and tokens, components, tools, project management.

Windows 10X

Microsoft is preparing an alternative Windows 10X interface for new ones like the dual-screen Surface Neo. It will support regular Windows applications, but the shell has a simplified look.

Defining Design System Contributions

Nathan Curtis from EightShapes describes the interaction formats of the design system team and product teams that offer their solutions and changes. Many details of the process are clearly and in detail laid out. To be continued .

Smashing Podcast Episode 7 With Amy Hupe - What Is A Government Design System?

Podcast with Amy Hupe, who worked on content and documentation for the design system.

Material design

Updated guidelines for interface density . It allows you to adapt it for different tasks and environments (for example, increase for the web). Guidelines themselves and an online fitting tool .

SLDS + VS Code = Win!

SalesForce's Visual Studio Code plugin allows you to highlight parameters from their design system.

User understanding

Just-Right Personas - How to Choose the Scope of Your Personas

Kim Flaherty of the Nielsen / Norman Group talks about two types of characters - a wide and a narrow spectrum. The former describe the company as a whole, while the latter describe individual products.

Netflix thinks 'Fortnite' is a bigger threat than HBO

A gorgeous example of the correct understanding of Jobs to Be Done from the head of Netflix Reed Hastings. He considers the main threat not the HBO channel, but the Fortnite game in the struggle for users' free time.

How Information-Seeking Behavior Has Changed in 22 Years

The Nielsen / Norman Group echoed the 1997 Xerox PARC study on how users search for information on the Internet. Feifei Liu talks about the main findings.

New Interface Design Tools

Sketch 62 and Inspector

Improving smart layout (minimum and maximum width). And finally, the beta version of the Zeplin analogue.

Adobe xd

January update . Also added auto-layout. Also read an interview with Talin Wadsworth from the team about the history of the tool and plans for the future. He also talks about the workflow and team.

Adobe Creative Cloud

MS Office 365 can connect Creative Cloud libraries to import styles and resources.

Play - The new tool for creating better mobile apps

A completely wild thing - a tool for designing mobile applications on the phone itself. The guys created the most complete plague (albeit causing questions on the productivity of such a designer’s work). In February, beta for iPhone will appear, later iPad and Android phones promise. Background to the creation of the authors .

Figma: Plugins

  • Bravo Studio App : Connects real data and generates native code for Android and iOS based on prototypes.
  • Smooth Shadow : Neat shadows using easing curves.
  • Design Lint : Linting for layouts. Finds elements without anchored styles.
  • Text Prettier : Typographer for combing text.


The browser tool allows you to create patterns from symmetrical shapes and visually see them in a repeating canvas.

BG Painter

Fashionable background generator (for example, "liquid metal").

Mosaica studio

A new tool for creating cascading (stagger) animation. To prototype and create such an animation manually through keyframes is laborious, but instead of working with code, WYSIWYG is suggested.


Another designer of mobile applications that makes a native assembly based on the prototype. Android, iOS and web.


Another site builder in the browser.

Flow lines

Generator of abstract patterns from lines.


The service converts the image into HTML. Effectively, but it is not clear why - the site layout is already made in any tool with a breakdown by layers, and there are enough generators from there.

Super sphere

Generator of contour spheres with animation.


Free collection of blots and abstract patterns for promotional sites.


An interesting generator of color palettes, which allows you to dig adjacent in different directions.


A generator of gradients and interesting layer overlays in a browser with export to CSS.


An interesting service that allows you to compare the layout in Sketch and implementation in a mobile application.


The tool allows you to make a presentation of the layout on the device, which in turn can be rotated with animation.


Another background cleaner with photos.

Social sizes

A large collection of templates for all social media with current sizes.


The wildest note service in the form of a virtual world map.

User research and testing

The critical connection between support and UX design

Shopify's Clara Petit has moved from user support to UX. She shows in her experience the intersection and potential interaction between these two roles.

The User Researcher's Guide to GDPR

A detailed guide to GDPR when conducting user research from Carrie Boyd from the User Interviews service. The law imposes many restrictions.

How to Get More Out of A / B Testing Than a Win or Loss

Lucid Software's Leigh Lyman talks about the company's approach to analyzing previous A / B tests. How they store conclusions and return to them to search for patterns in user behavior.

Should All Scale Points Be Labeled? + Comparing Fully vs. Partially Labeled Five- and Seven-Point Scales

Jeff Sauro and Jim Lewis examined the question “Do I need signatures for all elements of the survey scale”. Previous studies on the topic of clear evidence do not give, much depends on the context of the survey (method, frequency, presentation).

Co-creation in user research

Evgenia Naumova from SKB Kontur talks about the experience of conducting user research, where a product team makes interface concepts together with respondents.

Ethical Maturity in User Research

Maria Rosala of the Nielsen / Norman Group provides a checklist of ethical maturity for user research. More and more companies where designers and product managers communicate independently with users, but do not always know how to do this.

Important points when creating a usability lab

Checklist for organizing premises for the UX laboratory by Dmitry Himi.

Building an Integrated Qualitative and Quantitative User Research Capability

Jared Spool provides an interesting example of Intuit's exploration of the launch of new functionality in their Quickbooks product. We did not use a really useful function in the interface, because this task was generally solved in the mail client.

Visual programming and design in the browser

Progressive Web Apps in 2020

Powerful debriefing of the current state of Progressive Web Apps by Maximiliano Firtman. Implementation, platform support, etc. (even about a dark theme and flexible screens).

New scripts

Web typography

Florens Verschelde parses the history of the appearance of a typical base font size on websites . How she changed from the very first devices and the legacy of the print world.

Work with color on the web

Kilian Valkhof shows how to use easing for gradients and shadows on the web using CSS (or rather, not quite pure CSS).

Metrics and ROI

Designing for Retention & Growth

HubSpot's Chloe Cathcart describes potential designer assistance in increasing retention. She disassembled the process of “sticking” the user into 4 components.

Three Branches of Standardized UX Measurement

Jeff Sauro and Jim Lewis have compiled a complete list of standard UX assessment methods. They have developed in three branches since the 1980s.

Design Management and DesignOps

How To Empower Design Teams By Measuring Value

Co-op's Dave Cunningham offers the DIET (Design Impact Evaluation Tactic) model to evaluate the potential success of a project. She evaluates the revised version of double diamond on several issues. Checklist on a separate site and in the form of a table .

The many meanings of design-led

Jon G. Temple and IBM Patrick Commarford describe 4 ways a designer can interact with an agile team. The influence on design decisions and, in general, the format for their adoption depends on this.

The business of UX management

Design Management Framework by Daniel Rosenberg. He, like me, uses the idea of ​​patterns to structure best practices and methods. Although it focuses on common to managers in general.

Organizational Design Canvas

Wonderfull Organization Modeling Template. It allows you to optimize service procedures, team, processes and infrastructure for improvement throughout the customer journey map.

The Grit: Yury Vetrov, ex-Design Director at Group

Last summer, Matouš Roskovec from Avocode came to us at Design Conf. And then I drove to Prague and talked to him. The result was a good interview for their series The Grit. From the history of joining design and career paths to design management practices and professional hobbies. I wrote the answers for a week, but it turned out in great detail. Communicated between the works, so the text is about this period.

The Possibilities of “And” - Prioritizing Usability Alongside Feature Growth

HubSpot's Libby Maurer talks about how a company balances between growing and improving existing functionality. Good principles of the design team, as well as details about working with design debt.

How we're building a high-trust distributed culture

Matt Hryhorsky of the Shopify growth team described collaboration and coordination practices for a distributed team. Great whole memo.

Shifting Our Team Goals to be UX Outcomes

Jared Spool describes his approach to the strategy of the design team for the year through the exhaust and its visualization.


Design Marathon - Effective teambuilding that helps you find breakthrough solutions

Redmadrobot designers talk about the design hackathon format they spend for customers. The second part with the experience of Alfa Bank, Sberbank, Miro, Wargaming and Group.

Methodologies, Procedures, Standards

Design's Unsexy Middle Bits

Christina Wodtke describes her vision of a modern design process. True, for some reason it is tied to the diagram of design thinking, arranging a terminological commotion.

Triple Loop Product Lifecycle. Learn, Build, Measure and Maturity Levels

Farid Sabitov offers his version of the lean model for creating products. It is divided into three subcycles.


An exclusive look at how Google designed its Stadia game controller

An overview of the work process on the joystick of the Google Stadia game console.

How adopting a UX mindset changed the Shopify Help Center

Shopify's Robert Mousseau talks about improving the help section interface. What kind of research they did and how they described the characters and Jobs to Be Done.

The battle for percentage shares - how Alfa-Bank is increasing the conversion of its site

Overview of Alfa Bank's approaches to optimizing the site.

wikiHow's Art Is Made By a Global Network of Freelancers, Primarily in the Philippines

A story about the wildest style of website illustrations with wikiHow instructions, which became a cult meme. How is the design process, issuing millions of images.


The apple archive

An unofficial archive of marketing materials for Apple.


CES 2020 and new interfaces

The breakthrough and umat high-tech CES 2020 exhibition was held January 7-10 in Las Vegas. Traditionally, new technologies for mass products are circulated on it, then the races declare "we also have a concept for using this thing", and then switch to something new. I chose interesting devices and directions that concern interface designers: flexible screens (second coming), smart speakers and voice assistants, cars, wearable devices, smart home and just interesting technologies.

Five key colors for 2020

2020 color trends from Coloro.

Market Statistics in 2019Q3

Algorithmic Design

NVIDIA's AI can put your pet's smile on a random animal

NVIDIA is now changing emotions not only in the photo of people, but also of animals.

Does Artificial Intelligence Mean Data Visualization is Dead?

An interesting discussion of the role and future data visualization in the era of artificial intelligence from IBM. Do I need a speedometer in a car with an autopilot?

25,000 AI Photos

Another large gallery of realistic faces generated by algorithms. And these are not just faces, but whole poses in a classic form for photo stocks.


The Microsoft experimental service makes a prototype in code from a paper sketch of the interface.

Voice Interfaces

Meet Yandex.Station Mini. Big story of a small device

Timur Gaskarov talks about creating a smart column Yandex.Station Mini in terms of hardware and interface.

Speculative Identities - Exploring the Frontiers of Visual Identity ...

The site analyzes identity in fantastic movies and comics. They disassemble the fictional brands Blade Runner, Terminator, Back to the Future, Alien, Robocop, Total Recall and others in sufficient detail .

Car interfaces

An emulator for developers for Android Automotive OS has appeared .

Digital wellbeing

Experimental Google apps that motivate you to use your phone less often .

Craigslist only took 11 years to make its own iOS app

Another reason to joke Craigslist with an interface design from an alternative universe. They first launched a mobile application.

Vertically works

An entertaining concept of "vertical Internet" for the Korean language (although not particularly practical). The history of the project from the authors .

For general and professional development


Daniel Rosenberg - UX Magic

The Interaction Design Foundation released the Daniel Rosenberg's UX Magic, a semantic method for designing interaction.

People and companies in the industry

FWD [1]: ONY / Digital Product Branding

Last year, Mitya Osadchuk and I interviewed ONY studio, one of the best domestic companies in digital branding. Max Orlov, Sergey Lavrinenko and Andrey Potapov talked about their approach, the process of creating and maintaining identity, metrics and trends. And also showed the office of the agency. Thanks to Anton Reznik and the team of Mediaproduction for the excellent work of shooting and editing.

Clayton Christensen dies at 67 after lifetime of business, spiritual influence

Clayton Christensen, author of the concept of the “innovator dilemma” about disruptive innovation, died. He is also one of the key people in the development of Jobs to Be Done and has worked closely with management genius Andy Grove at Intel. Although he did not always guess the technology movement , he made one of the most powerful contributions to the work of both product managers and interface designers. Obituary from his good friend Michael B. Horn .

Conference proceedings

UX & Design Events in 2020

Catalog of design conferences for 2020.

All Design Conferences - A place to find UX, Tech, and Creative Events Around the World

Another catalog of design conferences.

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