Electronic pregnancy test from a pharmacy: how it works

Probably everyone heard about the mysterious stripes. For some, this is a shock, but for some, the long-awaited news. Not succumbing to emotions and not stopping at where I took it and on whom I tested this device, we turn to the essence of the process. But first, a little chemistry.

Traditional test

During pregnancy, a hormone under the acronym HCG is produced in the body of a woman. If we make a pee-pee on a strip with the appropriate reagent (excluding mua, ladies and gentlemen), then the presence of the hormone will be displayed as a color bar. The longer the period, the higher the level of the hormone and the brighter the strip.

I will not embarrass you with further physiological details and move on to what intrigued me in this device, namely the fact that it is electronic .

Guesses about the electronic nature of the test

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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