The Lumiere brothers never dreamed

There is a change in the movie industry. The genre specifics, the manner of the game, the types of actors, as well as the approach to financing the filming process are changing. Download movie to hard drive? Forget this is the last century. Now media content is available online without pre-loading, advertising, at any time and from any device.

The popularity of streaming video is growing. Moreover, today streaming services themselves produce video content. Netflix became the pioneer in this area, which in 2013 created the show “House of Cards”. In 2018, the service budget for shooting its own video amounted to $ 8 billion. Apple, Google and Facebook also joined the game. And in 2017, at the main world film festival in Cannes, the first film of the production of the streaming service - the drama “Okja” was presented. A pretty serious statement for a new film production format. It's only the beginning.

It is also worth noting the strengthening role of women in the cinema, which was triggered by a sex scandal with Harvey Weinstein in the fall of 2017. The number of blockbusters has significantly increased, the directors and main characters of which are the fair sex.

Demographic changes affect both the audience and, accordingly, its preferences. And filmmakers take this into account. Interactive also burst into the movie from video games, and now you yourself can choose how the storyline will develop. Further more. Artificial intelligence (AI), which independently creates a movie - this is not the plot of a new science fiction film. This is a reality that is happening right now. So far, AI achievements are pretty modest, but this is only the beginning.

Where to get money for film production?

You have a terrific scenario, do you know for sure that the film will become box office and bring you unheard of dividends? The most famous actors are already standing in line, only to pass the test? It remains to solve the last and perhaps the most important question: where to get the money for the production of the film.

There are “traditional” ways of financing filming, such as issuing shares in a film company or creating a mutual investment fund (MIF). As a rule, mutual funds are created for the production of several films simultaneously in order to reduce risks. The calculation is that some films will collect a good box office, some will simply pay off, and some will be unprofitable.

The main source of funding for independent cinema is crowdfunding. Independent filmmakers have always had to seek funding from their fans, but in recent years it has become much easier thanks to the development of online crowdfunding. Today, anyone can invest in film production. IndieGoGo, launched in January 2008, has become one of the very first major public funding projects for creative projects. A little over a year later, the current market leader, Kickstarter, was launched, followed by a number of other sites.

Most of the first films made with crowdfunding money did not inspire great hopes, but over the years the scale and professional level of these films have grown. The collection record belongs to the film Veronica Mars. The $ 2 million that the filmmakers had originally hoped for was collected in the first 10 hours of the crowdfunding campaign. And the total amount of funds raised exceeded $ 5.7 million.

Hollywood could soon follow suit. A recent resolution by the US Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States means that Hollywood movie producers will be allowed to seek investment through crowdfunding.

Sometimes it’s enough to believe in a young, unknown talent - and get rich for life. The most striking examples are Star Wars, which raised $ 400 million with a budget of $ 10.5 million and “Paranormal Phenomenon,” shot for $ 15 thousand and raised a cash register of $ 196 million. Not bad, right? But as they say, you never know where you will find, where you will lose.


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