UI / UX - design. Trends and forecasts for 2020

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Perhaps the topic is not new, but it remains relevant for all developers. 2020 will bring us many interesting technological and design solutions. Releases of new devices are planned for this year, in which, most likely, we will see new ways of interacting with the interface and improving existing interactions. So what exactly will become the trend of 2020 in UI / UX? Ilya Semenov, Rexoft Senior User Interface Designer, shares his thoughts on trends and forecasts in the field of UI / UX design. Let's get it right.


What will be left?

1. Dark theme

Although a dark theme has appeared quite a long time ago and was accepted by “Hurray” by users, it is not always supported everywhere. This year, it will continue to be implemented in mobile applications, sites, web applications.

2. Airiness, conciseness.

In the trends of the past few years, there is a tendency to unload the interface from unnecessary components and focus on content. It will continue this year. Here you can add a lot of attention to UX copywriting. More about this below.

3. Functionality and a love of detail

A clean and intuitive interface is at the heart of any product. Many companies will redesign their own front-end solutions in 2020. For example, at the end of 2019, Microsoft showed off its new logo and new product design style based on Fluent Design.

4. Gamification of the product A

trend that is becoming more and more popular every year due to the fact that almost any product can be equipped with a solution that allows you to simply and efficiently captivate the user.

5. Voice UI (VUI)

Many of those who watched the Google I / O conference were delighted with how smart Google Voice Duplex assistant became. This year, an even steeper “pumping” of voice control is expected, because this method of interaction is not only convenient, but also has a socially significant status, as it allows people with disabilities to use products. The leaders at the moment: Google, Apple, Yandex, Mail.ru.


6. Emotional design.

Products need to evoke emotions in the user, so the race will continue in this direction. Someone will, for example, evoke emotions with the help of abstract illustrations, someone with the help of vivid animation, colors. I would also like to say about empathy. The technique of empathic manipulation has been used for a very long time, and it will receive a strong development in 2020.

A great example is the Apple Music, Yandex Music services, which provide playlists that are specific to each user.


7. UX Copywriting

Texts are an important part of the product. The trend will continue to write and process existing text into a readable, capacious and compact, understandable and friendly format.

8. Animated illustrations.

Stylized static illustrations appeared long ago. And in popular managers (for example, Telegram) vector images are used - stickers that are animated using a tool like Lottie. Now we are witnessing the development of a trend for the introduction of similar animation in other products.

9. Oversized typography

Huge headlines, large text are not new, but this year the trend set for several years will continue to develop.

10. Complex gradients

Using gradients allows you to add depth to the picture. In a new reading of this trick, we will see complex gradients that will add volume and depth to images that are on top of the gradient.

What will become less popular?

1. Pure 3D on web sites or mobile applications

Pure 3D is likely to gradually fade into the background due to limited application and complexity of implementation, giving way to pseudo 3D. But this does not apply to gaming applications.


2. Muted shades of colors

This trend was relevant in 2019. We have stepped into a new era, it will begin very brightly, so calm muted colors will give way to bright and juicy.

3. Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual Reality (VR)

In my opinion, AR / VR technology has peaked. Many have already tested it. These technologies have extremely limited use. We can note the successful use of AR - masks for social networks. VR-technology will be popular with varying success mainly due to the release of VR-games, which are planned for the 2020th year, alas, not so much.

What trends will appear in 2020?

1. New experience in interaction.

A new way of interacting with a mobile product involves working with bottom sheets, which is really convenient. Arrows "Back" are a thing of the past! In addition, part of the function buttons “moved” to the lower parts of the screen, to facilitate operation on large screens.

2. Super applications

One of the main trends of 2020 is the emergence of “Super applications” based on large products with a huge audience. For example, we really expect the release of such an application from Sberbank.

3. Mixed reality (MR)

Can become a real breakthrough technology! Most likely, Apple will become the locomotive of its development if it releases mixed reality glasses. A whole era of interfaces will begin!


So which of the trends in UX design are the main ones and what forms them?

In my opinion, something new should come with the advent of devices with MR (Mixed Reality) on the market. This is not only a completely new interaction experience, but also a branch of the development of modern technologies. It’s not a fact that MR will really become a “panacea”, but it is likely that with its development there will appear “by-products” that will enter our life just as tightly as smartphones.

1. Demand

It is no secret that the modern user of the product is very demanding on its quality. He wants to get the desired result with maximum comfort and speed. This forms the trends associated with efficiency, appearance, interaction, emotions.

2. Competition

There is a very tough fight for users. It is competition that affects product development, sets new development trends. Most often, trends are set by large food companies, and the rest picks up this rhythm.

3. Progress

Technological progress does not stand still, new devices appear that require a new way of interaction. A striking example is flexible smartphones.


In conclusion, I would like to say that the year 2020 will really be a year of breakthrough technologies. Many large companies have postponed delicious new products for this year. We just have to be patient and wait for the release.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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