How to transfer all transactions online in the archaic factoring market? Experience of Sberbank Factoring

For most people, factoring is an incomprehensible service. In fact, it is financing the supply of deferred payment companies.

Suppose you are a small cereal producer. You have shipped the goods to the distribution network, but you will receive the money on average 60 days after shipment. Many companies cannot wait so much: employees need to pay the same salary now. One solution is factoring. After concluding a factoring agreement, you can receive financing for any delivery. It is enough after sending the goods to send the supporting documents to the factor (invoices, invoices, acts). The factor verifies the delivery from your buyer and transfers you money for the goods, minus your own commission.

The transaction involves the buyer, supplier and factor, who sign a lot of papers, notifications. Previously, interaction with the client was assembled like a puzzle from different pieces: for example, the contracts were signed using third-party electronic document management operators, the delivery was verified by sending excel files by e-mail, and in the personal account on the factor’s website, the supplier could only see transaction statistics. It was inconvenient, time-consuming - both for us and the client. It was necessary to collect all this into one system.

How the old system killed usability

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