Chrome console features you may never have used

The Chrome Developer Tools Console is probably one of the most widely used and most useful specialized browser tools. The console gives the programmer many interesting features. It helps in debugging, profiling, and monitoring page code. The material we are translating today is dedicated to telling you about some of the features of the Chrome console that are not as widely known as they deserve.

Monitor function

The function is monitorused to organize monitoring of other functions. In particular, it allows you to find out when a certain function was called, and with what parameters it was called. Consider an example (its code is entered in the Chrome console):

function traceFunc (arg) { }

The function is traceFuncpassed to the function monitoras an argument. Now, when the function traceFuncis called, we will receive a notification about this (again, in the console):

function traceFunc was called with arguments: 90

Using the monitor function

Unmonitor function

The function unmonitorallows you to disable monitoring of a function that was previously monitored using the function monitor. In order to stop monitoring the function traceFunc, we use the following construction:


If you call after this traceFunc, then no notifications will be displayed in the console.


Calling a function whose monitoring is disabled does not result in outputting information about this call to the console

MonitorEvents function

The scheme for using the function monitorEventslooks like this:


This function allows you to track the occurrence of object events and displays information about these events in the console.

Suppose there is a button on the page described by the following code:

<button id="button">Button</button>

Let's start tracking the event of clickthis button:

monitorEvents(button, "click")

If after starting the observation of an event, clickclick on the button - information about the event will be displayed in the console.

Button and start monitoring its events click You

can monitor several events by passingmonitorEventsan array asfunctions of thesecond argument:

monitorEvents(button, ["click", "mouseover"])

Now under observation are events clickand mouseover. As a result, the console receives messages about clicking on the button, and that it was held over the mouse.

Monitoring events of the click and mouseover buttons

You can organize monitoring of event groups:

monitorEvents(button, ["click", "mouse"])

A string mouseis a universal identifier for a group of mouse-related events. For example - mouseover, mousemove, mouseout. As in the case of subscribing to specific events, subscribing to a universal event identifier will lead to the issuance of notifications when such events occur.

Monitoring button events related to clicking on it and with the mouse

Of course, the function ismonitorEventsapplicable to other objects, and not just buttons. The same applies to events that can be watched with it. These are not onlyclickmouse events.

UnmonitorEvents function

The function unmonitorEventsallows you to cancel the monitoring of object events started by the function monitorEvents.

Suppose we decide to track button clicks:

monitorEvents(button, "click")

As a result, when the button is clicked, information about these events gets to the console. In order to stop monitoring, we need this design:

unmonitorEvents(button, "click")

Now the system stops monitoring the clickbutton event .

After refusing to monitor click events, reports about clicks on a button cease to get to the console

$ _ Construction

The design $_allows you to access the result of the last expression executed in the console.

Suppose we entered an expression in the console 2 + 2and executed it. It gave us 4.

Then we entered and executed the expression 3*2. It gave us 6.

It turned out that we performed two expressions, the most recent of which is 3*2. If now enter into the console $_and click Enter- the result of the expression is displayed 3*2, that is - 6.

Using the $ _ construct

Copy function

The function copyallows you to copy the data transferred to it to the clipboard.

Let's execute, for example, the following command:


This will copy the line to the clipboard nnamdi. In order to check this, execute the above command in the console, and then try pasting what is on the clipboard into the address bar of the browser. You should get something that resembles the following image.

Software copying data to the clipboard

Clear function

The function clearallows you to clear the history of command execution in the console. This function is useful in cases when the console is full of various materials displayed in it, and you would like to remove from it everything that is displayed in it.

Keys function

The function keys(object), like the method Object.keys, returns an array of object property keys:

const obj = {prop1: 0, prop2: 1, prop3: 2}

Using the keys function

Values ​​function

The function valuesis similar to a method Object.values. It returns an array of object property values.

const obj = {prop1: 0, prop2: 1, prop3: 2}

Using the values ​​function

GetEventListeners function

The function getEventListenersreturns information about events registered for the object. For example, if you register certain events for a button, the function getEventListenerspassed to this button will return an object containing, in the form of arrays, a description of the button's events.

Suppose the page has this code:

<button id="button" 
    function clickHandler() {
    function mousedownHandler() {
    function mouseoverHandler() {

This code describes the button and three events: click, onmousedown, and onmouseover. Events are assigned handlers clickHandler, mousedownHandlerand mouseoverHandler.

Call the following command in the console:


Information about button event handlers

An object issued after a command executesgetEventListeners(button)has propertiesclick,mousedownandmouseover, whose names correspond to the names of events whose handlers are assigned to the button. Properties contain arrays of objects containing detailed information about events.

Function $

The function $returns the first of the DOM elements that match the selector passed to it. The function call diagram looks like this:

$(elementName, [,node])

Suppose the page has the following code:

<button id="button1" onclick="clickHandler()" onmousedown="mousedownHandler()" onmouseover="mouseoverHandler()">Button1</button>
<button id="button2" onclick="clickHandler()" onmousedown="mousedownHandler()" onmouseover="mouseoverHandler()">Button2</button>
<button id="button3" onclick="clickHandler()" onmousedown="mousedownHandler()" onmouseover="mouseoverHandler()">Button3</button>
<button id="button4" onclick="clickHandler()" onmousedown="mousedownHandler()" onmouseover="mouseoverHandler()">Button4</button>

This code describes four buttons.

Let's execute the following command:


The following shows what gets into the console after its execution.

The result of the $ ("button")

commandButton1.As you can see, the command returned a button. This button is the first elementbuttonin the document. After we have at our disposal a DOM node of an element, we can refer to its properties and methods.

For example, in order to find out the identifier of a button, you can use this construction:


Clarification of the identifier of the button

Using the function$, you can specify the DOM node, the first element of which we are interested in.

Suppose buttonsButton2,Button3andButton4from the previous example are placed in an element<div>:

<button id="button1" onclick="clickHandler()" onmousedown="mousedownHandler()" onmouseover="mouseoverHandler()">Button1</button>
    <button id="button2" onclick="clickHandler()" onmousedown="mousedownHandler()" onmouseover="mouseoverHandler()">Button2</button>
    <button id="button3" onclick="clickHandler()" onmousedown="mousedownHandler()" onmouseover="mouseoverHandler()">Button3</button>
    <button id="button4" onclick="clickHandler()" onmousedown="mousedownHandler()" onmouseover="mouseoverHandler()">Button4</button>

To select the first button from those that are nested in <div>, you can use the following command:

$("button", document.querySelector("div"))

Accessing an element nested in another element

As you can see, it now$returns a buttonButton2, since this is the first elementbuttonnested in the element<div>

Function $$

The function $$works the same as the above function $. But it returns all the matching elements. It is called like this:

$$(element, [,node])

Suppose there are four buttons on a page, as in the previous examples.

Call the following command:


Using the $$ function

After the call$$, as seen in the previous figure, we have at our disposal an array of elementsbutton.

Elements can also be selected from the one specified when$$the DOM node iscalled. For example, if a page has several buttons enclosed in<div>, we can, to select all these buttons, use this design:

$$("button", document.querySelector("div"))

Using the $$ function to select items nested in another item


The Chrome console is a useful tool. As new versions of Chrome become available, the capabilities of its console expand. Therefore, it is useful to periodically look here in search of something new and interesting.

Dear readers! What Chrome console tools do you use most often?


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