Electronic passport of the Russian Federation, 2020th part of Marleson ballet


Electronic passport

Just a week ago, there was talk again that in 2020 or 21st year in the Russian Federation they would start issuing electronic passports, first voluntarily, then by the 23rd they would stop issuing paper passports, and by 2028 the state was going to replace all citizens' passports with electronic .

In this article I will try to explain what documents are proposed to be transferred to an electronic passport and what fears about the "numbers" exist now.

What will replace the electronic passport?

The card itself will presumably look the same as, for example, the well-known ID-card in Estonia. It will contain information about the name of the citizen, date of birth, gender, number, date of issue, photo, signature, in general, everything that is written on your first page of the paper passport. It is also supposed to record biometrics (fingerprint, retinal image), SNILS, TIN, driver’s license and some other documents, discussions are also ongoing on the possibility of writing bank card data onto the chip.

Fears About a Digital Passport

Since the whole story with a new type of passport lasts from the beginning of the zero, it was possible to observe the reaction of citizens. People are primarily concerned about the fact that their personal data may be stolen and realized, for example, to take out a loan in their name or other operations that can lead to financial losses and which are difficult to resolve even by contacting the police. All these conversations illustrate the fear not of the passport as such, but of its implementation, including the part related to authorization of access to data, etc., because it’s not a secret to anyone that if you lose the same paper passport, attackers can access your personal data.

Discussing this project with my friends, I came to the conclusion that before introducing a new document, a detailed public review of the implementation of the digital passport should be carried out, paying particular attention to data protection, their encryption on the chip, and how certain organizations will access them, for example, my friend suggested that it is possible to read a fingerprint or retina of a human eye in place, making them thus a key for decrypting data, if such a mechanism cannot be implemented, then the good old whether or PIN codes can also be authentication data, albeit less reliable.

There is also an opinion that contains parallels with the Bible, or rather, the fact that our ID-card will be the stigma of the Antichrist, I think that this is not subject to analysis, but is worthy of mention, since under many articles that I read (for different years) there were comments containing a similar position and surprising every time you read them.


The benefit for an ordinary person from such a document is quite obvious and valuable at the same time - it will be possible not to store and carry some documents: SNILS, TIN, rights, etc.

If someone has recently received a certificate of assignment of the TIN, for example, after the loss or when opening the IP or LLC, then you know that these documents began to be printed on plain paper: without protection, bw, even the emblem is presented in black and white , this was due to the fact that these certificates alone do not mean anything (globally), because all the data is stored in registries.

Well, it is worth mentioning that this method of storing personal data and documents is rather more secure and reliable, since today all the same data is written on paper in open form and is more prone to theft or loss.

My opinion is that the idea itself is not bad. I have friends from Estonia, where a similar document was introduced - an ID-card. I can say that, according to them, this made working with government electronic services easier. But we, those who live in Russia, should focus not only on the very essence of the idea, but mainly on its implementation, since even the brightest thought can be realized in a way that does not simplify, but complicate and make our life less safe.


I just mentioned in passing how long this whole epic with electronic passports lasts, I also deliberately did not mention the failed UEC project, since it was not a certificate in full. In general, it is worth saying that the chronology of promises even on Wikipedia looks rather comical and it is not clear whether they will introduce a new type of passport or transfer it again.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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