Embedded World 2020. Russians are coming

In anticipation of the next exhibition, Embedded World 2020 decided to see a list of companies from Russia. Having filtered the list of participants by country of origin, I was pleasantly surprised. The official website of the exhibition issued a list of as many as 27 companies !!! For comparison: from Italy there are 22 companies, from France - 34, from India - 10.

What could it mean, where are so many domestic manufacturers of hardware and software presenting their products on the international market?

Maybe this:

  • omen of the revival of the Russian electronic industry?
  • consequence of the policy of "import substitution"?
  • reaction to the adopted development strategy of the electronic industry of the Russian Federation?
  • the result of the work of the Association of Electronics Developers and Manufacturers (ARPE)?
  • the result of the work of the Moscow export center?
  • the result of Skolkovo?
  • investor startups work?
  • a consequence of the lack of customers in the domestic market?
  • result of competition with state. by corporations?

I don’t know the answer, I will be glad to comments from readers about this phenomenon.
“Time will show how events will unfold,” for now I will give a brief overview of Russian companies that presented their decisions at the exhibition in 2019.

Embedded World 2019



Develops RISC-V
Processor IP and IP for Wireless Communications Systems CloudBEAR Processor IP is compatible with the fast-growing RISC-V ecosystem and meets high performance requirements for managing and processing data in embedded and cyber-physical systems, storage systems, wireless modems and network applications.

Embedded Solutions

International software development company with branches in Tula (Russia) and Minsk (Belarus).

The company's central office is located in Tula in Russia (less than 200 km from Moscow).
At the moment, the company employs more than 20 experienced developers. All employees are software engineers or have comparable technical degrees, and also speak English.



Specializes in the design and manufacture of modern high-tech equipment for process control systems, embedded and on-board systems.

Fastwel was founded in 1998 and today is one of the most high-tech companies in Russia. Combining active investments in the development of the latest technologies using the experience and potential of Russian developers and technologists, Fastwel successfully competes with the world's leading manufacturers of electronic equipment.
Fastwel products are used in demanding applications in transport, telecommunications, industry and many other industries where reliable equipment is required that can operate in harsh environments.


Integrated Circuit Developer and Manufacturer

The main specialization of the company is the implementation of projects in the field of development and production of microelectronics products (microcontrollers, microprocessors, memory chips, transceiver chips, voltage converter chips, radio frequency circuits), universal electronic modules and devices for industrial and commercial purposes, software development for modern information systems and products microelectronics.

MIPT. The Faculty of Radio Engineering and Cybernetics

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (FizTech) is one of the leading universities in the country and is included in the main ratings of the best universities in the world. The Institute has not only a rich history - the founders and professors of the Institute were Nobel laureates Pyotr Kapitsa, Lev Landau and Nikolai Semenov - but also a large research base.

The Faculty of Radio Engineering and Cybernetics was created among the first faculties of the legendary PhysTech. Its history goes back more than half a century. FRTK keeps up with the times and trains top-class specialists who are able to work in the IT industry, science, business and many other areas. FRTK is one of the most balanced faculties at Fiztekh, whose graduates are equally well versed in physics, mathematics, engineering, electronics, Computer Science, and business management.


Developer of IP processor and tools based on the open RISC-V architecture.
The company develops flexible, modern processor technologies that help customers create energy-efficient high-performance solutions for a wide class of computing systems, including data storage and processing, communications, recognition systems, artificial intelligence applications and various types of embedded applications.


Develops home automation solutions based on Z-Wave wireless technology.

Z-Wave.Me is the first and largest importer of Z-Wave equipment intended for the Russian market. The company offers a full range of legal Z-Wave equipment for the Russian market. The equipment presented operates at a frequency of 869 MHz, which is approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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