Ideas from the table: Metro spacesuit

It is interesting how ideas live, sometimes you forget about them, and then after the passage of time you understand their relevance or worthlessness.

Current topic: personal suit (active protection equipment) for travel in public transport.

Read under the cut.

A bit of history, the suit is judged by the text of Wikipedia: this is special equipment designed to isolate a person (or animal) from the external environment.

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The next option is to create an air curtain from purified air, in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the face, the compressor on the neck creates a stream of air that cuts off flying microdrops and other particles on one side and creates a stream of clean air for breathing on the other. Plus we clean the air and everything around. The main thing here is not to blow it.

Plus all sorts of combinations of the above options:

Of course, health to everyone. I would like to note that the article carries the idea itself, and not a specific case of implementation. Masks / glasses may be easier, but not so interesting.


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