The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 331 (January 27 - February 2)

In this issue of our digest - binary compatibility, SwiftUI parsing, pixel art errors, already an indie developer hell, Flutter from scratch to sell, free books and SDKs for robots. Welcome!

Any library should observe binary compatibility whenever possible. If different versions of the library in the dependencies are incompatible, then the result will be crashes in runtime. We may encounter such a problem, for example, when adding Reaktive support to MVICore.Let's talk about eSIM (the full name of embeddedSIM - that is, built-in SIM) - SIM cards soldered into the gadget (as opposed to the usual removable SIM cards). Let’s see how they are better than conventional SIM cards and why large mobile operators oppose the introduction of new technology.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+17)  SwiftUI on the shelves
Apple reports record results for the first quarter
Swift chips: double-clicking Apple Pencil
Step-by-step instructions for integrating Apple Pay into your mobile application
How to create a video card on SwiftUI
• The spacing between characters in UILabel
Implementing a service-oriented architecture in Swift 5
Post mortem: App Store crash 01/24/2020
iOS 13: unsung heroes of 2019
Masks and overlays in SwiftUI
Twitter-style previews for iOS apps on SwiftUI
Best security practices for iOS applications
5 Swift extensions that make your life easier
13 Xcode shortcuts to increase your productivity
Buildkite and Fastlane - iOS developers will sleep better
Implement search screen using MVVM and RxSwift
Instructions: user guides on Swift


(+23)  Extensions in Kotlin. Dangerous atavism or a useful tool?
(+22)  How to teach the phone to see the beauty
Google Play Video | Playtime 2019
Kotlin chips: the most common value
Android Broadcast # 5: How to become a cool developer
The story of our big rewriting of Android applications
Dynamic screens using server-driven UI in Android
Creating a reactive and heterogeneous adapter in Kotlin
How to implement dark theme on Android
Coroutines in Kotlin Coroutines: from simple to advanced
Organization of Kotlin code
Security of Android applications: best practices
Android: how to fix a serious problem in LiveData
Introduction to animation with Jetpack Compose
Android-NFC: working with NFC on Android


(+26) Pixel art for beginners: fixing common mistakes
(+20)  How level designers use architecture theory techniques to create game levels
(+20) Displaying in-game messages using Particle System 
(+15) Hell of an indie developer or how to bring your project to release and not shoot yourself in the process
(+10)  Spring internship for mobile developers in Redmadrobot
(+10) Features of establishing a connection between participants in a peer-to-peer network game
((+7 ) A face-driven game in Instagram masks, or double-click with your eyes
(+5) React Native: a new milestone in Shopify’s mobile development
(+2) 7 stages of testing evolution in the company
How I studied Flutter or from 0 before sales
Podlodka # 148: The roots of the engineering culture of Eastern Europe
Flutter Dev Podcast # 12: Flutter Europe and pet projects
Yandex opened a summer internship set
Free book “Creating a first-person shooter on Unity”
Coderslang: an application for learning programming
One day in the life of a UX manager
Why not copy UX patterns of large successful companies
UX banking trends of 2020: artificial intelligence, voice assistants and hyperpersonalization
How to make the perfect mobile application for an online store
Creating a personal search infrastructure for your knowledge and code
9 steps to better share knowledge between development teams
Spotify stories
Nearly 10 game development lessons I learned in my indie adventure
Mobile UI: 13 basic application design patterns to know about
How the SoundCloud application should have been created for iOS - UX research
Understanding loading animations - its types and applications
Nebula: Slack’s network framework

Analytics, marketing and monetization

Google imposed attribution restrictions on App Campaigns on iOS
European user spending on applications increased by 1 9%, Russia in 4th place
Attentive seller’s messenger raised another $ 70 million.
Play as an adult: Kunlun and Bidease case
Made AR-bouquets in 1-800-Flowers
Ahoi: dating from video
How Fishing Clash handled Facebook scam
SuperAwesome attracted more $ 17 million for children's technology
Busuu buys Verbling
Reroll - notebook for the characteristics of D&D heroes Our experience of launching on Kickstarter and collecting $ 20K in 8 hours
How to increase conversion to installations using experiments in stores
CCPA - what does this mean for your application
Monetization of games in emerging markets using the behavioral science of

AI, Devices, IoT

(+32) Adaptive background lighting for TV on Raspberry Pi - analogue of Ambilight
(+19)  Tutorial on uplift modeling. Part 1
(+17)  Neural networks in the production of dentures
(+14)  Houston! We have problems? From a “smart” hive to a robolet and a “cluster” on arduino
(+4) How to protect IIoT solutions used in social infrastructure. And from what?
(+2)  DDoS from the coffee maker
Free book “Artificial Intelligence in Games 3”
Google launched MediaPipe on the web
How I moved to the USA and launched an IoT platform with half a million users
What to learn for an embedded system developer
Boston Dynamics posted an SDK for Spot Robot

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .


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