Fixed distance between ticks on an axis in gnuplot

While preparing some of the results for publication in the journal, the question arose: how to evenly distribute data along the axis in gnuplot . I decided the question, I got the graphics. Who cares how, please, under cat.

Initially, during the workflow, all graphs were built in MS Excel. It is quite convenient in it to quickly sketch data, build a couple of curves and move on. But working in MS Excel, there is no control over the resulting drawing. Therefore, when writing results for articles, I often use gnuplot.

It is required to receive such a graph:

By this data set

7.3;	0.0251;	250;	217.9006251
5.3;	0.0348;	293;	238.6280188
3.3;	0.0398;	176;	177.7890558
7.4;	0.0413;	262;	229.6579533
3.2;	0.0438;	186;	180.6920998
7.2;	0.0468;	265;	233.6496388
5.1;	0.0486;	247;	248.6435206
5.2;	0.0685;	239;	263.0861645
3.4;	0.0697;	180;	199.4893097
3.1;	0.0717;	167;	200.9408317
4.3;	0.0718;	405;	358.2750638
2.2;	0.0728;	267;	255.5794728
1.1;	0.0797;	226;	314.1587397
1.3;	0.0797;	225;	314.1587397
1.2;	0.0822;	292;	315.9731422
2.4;	0.0852;	276;	264.5789092
1.4;	0.0879;	299;	320.1099799
6.4;	0.098;	362;	311.209506 
2.3;	0.102;	331;	276.771694 
2.1;	0.1021;	233;	276.8442701
6.1;	0.1182;	372;	325.8698782
4.1;	0.1263;	335;	397.8290383
4.4;	0.1436;	459;	410.3847036
4.2;	0.1455;	435;	411.7636495
6.2;	0.153;	360;	351.126361

If you run this through gnuplot, you get the following: the points merge.

But this does not seem much like what I wanted to get.

The official documentation helped to understand the proper names of labels on the axis ( xtic ) and labels in the graph area ( sprintf ):

set xtics rotate by -60
Label(String,Size) = sprintf("{/=%d %s}", Size, String)

plot "data.csv" using 2:3:xtic(2) title "1" w lp ls 1 ,\
     "data.csv" using 2:4 title "2" w lp ls 2 ,\
     "data.csv" using 2:($3>$4?$3+20:$4+20):(Label(stringcolumn(2), 12)) with labels notitle



allows you to set marks in the figure above the selected points by 20 units.

It turned out this way:

But the question with the uneven distribution of data along the axis remained open.
The decision was formed in the process of wandering around forums and articles - number the lines .

The easiest option is to number manually.

The second option is to number automatically:

 nl -v 0 -s ';' -w 1 data.csv >> data_nums.csv 

If you need to exclude commented out lines, the command takes the form:

grep -v "^#" data.csv | nl -v 0 -s ';' -w 1  >> data_nums.csv 

0;	7.3;	0.0251;	250;	217.9006251
1;	5.3;	0.0348;	293;	238.6280188
2;	3.3;	0.0398;	176;	177.7890558
3;	7.4;	0.0413;	262;	229.6579533
4;	3.2;	0.0438;	186;	180.6920998
5;	7.2;	0.0468;	265;	233.6496388
6;	5.1;	0.0486;	247;	248.6435206
7;	5.2;	0.0685;	239;	263.0861645
8;	3.4;	0.0697;	180;	199.4893097
9;	3.1;	0.0717;	167;	200.9408317
10;	4.3;	0.0718;	405;	358.2750638
11;	2.2;	0.0728;	267;	255.5794728
12;	1.1;	0.0797;	226;	314.1587397
13;	1.3;	0.0797;	225;	314.1587397
14;	1.2;	0.0822;	292;	315.9731422
15;	2.4;	0.0852;	276;	264.5789092
16;	1.4;	0.0879;	299;	320.1099799
17;	6.4;	0.098;	362;	311.209506 
18;	2.3;	0.102;	331;	276.771694 
19;	2.1;	0.1021;	233;	276.8442701
20;	6.1;	0.1182;	372;	325.8698782
21;	4.1;	0.1263;	335;	397.8290383
22;	4.4;	0.1436;	459;	410.3847036
23;	4.2;	0.1455;	435;	411.7636495
24;	6.2;	0.153;	360;	351.126361

When working with such a dataset, gnuplot will distribute the data along the axis at regular intervals:

Summary script:

#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist

set encoding utf8
set terminal pngcairo size 640,400 enhanced monochrome
set output "img.png"

set ylabel "Y"
set xlabel "X"
set key left top samplen 5 spacing 1.15 width 2
set xrange [-0.5:24.5]
set mytics 2
set xtics rotate by -60
set grid
set pointsize 0.5
set datafile separator ";"
set style line 1 linetype 1 pointtype 7 linewidth 2 linecolor black
set style line 2 linetype 2 pointtype 7 linewidth 2 linecolor black

Label(String,Size) = sprintf("{/=%d %s}", Size, String)

plot "data_nums.csv" using 1:4:xtic(3) title "1" w lp ls 1 ,\
     "data_nums.csv" using 1:5 title "2" w lp ls 2 ,\
     "data_nums.csv" using 1:($4>$5?$4+20:$5+20):(Label(stringcolumn(2), 10)) with labels notitle

Thanks to attentionDeosisand an exact reference to the documentation (paragraph Pseudocolumns ) it turned out that you can do without artificial numbering.
For uniform distribution of data along the axis, you can use the null column ($ 0), which provides row indices.

In this case, it is possible to use the original data set - data.csv, and make the following changes in the script:
plot "data.csv" using 0:3:xtic(2) title "1" w lp ls 1 ,\
     "data.csv" using 0:4 title "2" w lp ls 2 ,\
     "data.csv" using 0:($3>$4?$3+20:$4+20):(Label(stringcolumn(2), 12)) with labels notitle


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