Best IntelliJ IDEA Plugins

Key promoter x

Using keyboard shortcuts instead of the mouse can significantly improve performance. With so many features that IDEA offers, it can be intimidating and difficult to learn all the keyboard shortcuts. Fortunately, there is a plugin called Key Promoter X that can help you.

The idea is simple: whenever you use the mouse to call a command in your IDE, a pop-up window appears that tells you what the key combination is for this action.

He even suggests you assign a keyboard shortcut for the action you just performed, if there isn’t one already. After a while, it becomes so annoying that you are more likely to make sure you remember your keyboard shortcuts.


Unfortunately, application security is often ignored. Currently, most of the application code comes from third-party libraries and environments. You must ensure that you are using new versions without security vulnerabilities. There are tools that can help you with this. One of them is Snyk.

Snyk offers many features. One of them is an IDE plugin that can scan your dependencies and determine which security vulnerabilities they contain.

Presentation assistant

This is a simple plugin that displays a popup notification every time you perform an action in IDEA. It shows what action was performed and what key combination is associated with it.

This can be very useful for presentations , screencasts, pair programming, and so on. Especially when using keyboard shortcuts, it can be difficult to keep track of what happens without this plugin.

Edu tools

This is a great plugin for coding lessons, seminars and so on. It allows you to create courses with a set of tasks that you can complete directly in your IDE. You can create your own courses or import public courses.

It is available both as a standalone plugin and as an IntelliJ IDEA Edu Edition , which is basically a version of IDEA Community with the plugin already installed.

Extra icons

This is basically an icon pack that provides new icons for special files, such as Travis configuration , package.json , lint config, and many others.

This can be very useful, as you can immediately recognize these special files, and therefore, navigating your project will be much easier. For example, package.json is a file with the json extension , but it is much more useful to have a special icon for it, since it is an important file for npm projects .


IntelliJ IDEA has a basic spellchecker that can detect some typos, but overall it is not very useful. It is definitely not a substitute for specialized grammar checking services such as Grammarly .

Fortunately, there is a Grazie plugin that extends the basic spell checker with many useful features. It also discovers more complex problems, such as incorrect grammar. It also works completely offline.

The Grazie plugin also allows you to check for commit messages. You can read more on the blog Meet Grazie: Complete Spell, Grammar, and Style Checks for IntelliJ IDEA .

Maven Helper

IDEA already has powerful tools to analyze your dependencies and potential problems with them, such as conflicts or circular dependencies.

The Maven Helper offers an alternative user interface that hierarchically displays your dependencies. It may be easier to read and navigate. Also, if you are using the IDEA community version, this is your only option.


Creating complex objects can be difficult. Of course, you can base development on simple POJOs with a whole bunch of setters, but you cannot guarantee that all created objects have all required fields and are not used in an incomplete state. To solve this problem, you need constructors. With more complex objects, this can lead to a number of telescopic constructors with many parameters. In these cases, using the Builder pattern is much more appropriate.

This plugin can automatically generate Builder from POJO for you.

Rainbow brackets

If you are struggling with many nested blocks and many brackets, this plugin is for you. This makes it easy to find the matching brackets, since each pair of brackets is color coded.

With a default color theme, reading is pretty hard, so Darcula is much better suited to use this plugin.

Indent rainbow

This plugin looks like Rainbow brackets, but it does not color your brackets, but indents. This can be useful if you have many levels of indentation that are harder to navigate. It can even mark in red lines that do not have the correct levels of indentation, so that inconsistencies immediately become apparent.

Again, this is much less noticeable in the light topic, so Darcula may be the best choice.

String Manipulation

This is a convenient plugin that allows you to perform various actions with your strings, such as:

  • Escaping / exception for various contexts (Java, HTML, XML, SQL, ...)
  • Case switching (lower, upper, kebab, pascal, camel, ...)
  • Sorting
  • Search
  • Trimming

Git Toolbox

Although IntelliJ's git support is already pretty good, this plugin still offers some useful features. You can easily see how many commits your branch is ahead / behind. You can set up automatic sampling at a custom frequency. You can automatically see the responsible information in your current line.

Request Mapper

IDEA already offers fairly powerful navigation between files. When working with REST endpoints, sometimes you may prefer to switch to a specific mapping (e.g. / persons ) instead of a class (e.g. PersonController ). This is when you know the URL, but don’t remember which class or method it corresponds to. After clicking on the appropriate key combination, you can search for mapping URLs and go to them directly.

The plugin currently supports Spring, JAX-RS, and Micronaut.


IDEA supports running multiple tasks (configurations) at the same time , but this feature is currently very limited.

The Multirun plugin supports the launch of several configurations at the same time with much more complex options. This can be very useful when running Backend and Frontend at the same time, testing several modules, etc.

IDEA Mind Map

It can be very useful to have an editor and a Mind Map viewer directly integrated into your IDE. Not only for quick brainstorming, but also for preparing documentation. The plugin works with text-based MMD files, so it’s very easy to keep your intelligence cards under version control and manage their changes.

Codota and TabNine

These two plugins are similar. They improve your autocompletion by scanning open source projects and intelligently predicting what you probably want to type based on context.

With Codota, you can also search for relevant examples of certain classes or methods in public projects, which may be convenient.

Something is missing?

What are your favorite IDEA plugins? Please share in the comments below.


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