Edge of Madness: Schizophrenic Terms

Edge of Madness: Schizophrenic Terms


I sometimes fall out of reality very strongly, so if you don’t want to read nonsense, postpone reading until the end of the article, but if you have questions, the moment will be missed. I also remind you that with the progression of the disease I have great difficulties with speech, but they are already ruled by the habr community.

  • Suppose the main difference between a schizophrenic and a normal person is a self-sufficient center of encouragement.
  • If the dog executes the aport command and receives a reward, this is normal.
  • If the dog is on top of bliss from doing nothing, it is a drug addiction.
  • If a dog is forced to look for training for fun on its own, this is self-sufficiency.

After the first level of training, the brain has the opportunity to hang in a dream world for a long time.

The level of physical and mental training can be monitored by KFK, after hard mental training the KK-BB level will most likely be around 500. In medicine, only the KK-MV fraction is now used to diagnose myocardial infarction. With a total QC level of about 500, the CF fraction usually remains normal.

The world of dreams is an altered state of consciousness, something like a dream, it is a dream, a waking dream. A way of modeling situations. Or just entertainment. Give a one-year-old child a tablet and if it turns out to be able to connect to the Internet, over the years of research, he will be able to draw a compiler from it for scientific work - the probability of success is 0.1%, otherwise everyone would be only lazy people and geniuses, not schizophrenics. If the Internet is broken, then the dreamer can learn to read machine code - the probability of the end of the old world is a bit unknown.

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    3.1 The eternal battle, until you both or one of you dissolve in the astral plane, or interrupt it from the outside. In hopeless situations, it is possible to intercept body control and cause damage to oneself and others.
    3.2 Search for compromises.
    3.3 You can simply stop noticing in yourself and those around you what is happening evil or good or anything else.

Bullshit - if you don’t have a stamp of genius on you, then any of your statements in which logic is not traced will be called bullshit - if you have already earned money on your extravagant ideas, then you should repeat the words of any patient from the psychiatric hospital - as they will also be considered revelations of the guru.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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