Like 20 years ago

1. Author about the author

There is such an author,nmivan, I saw him on the FB, but somehow did not read his articles. And today the video hit the FB

and he seemed to have returned 20 years ago, he was also 1C nickname, 6.0, 7.7, 8.x, but most importantly, he strove to improve this world, just like him, and everyone was the same as now - everything is fine, or not interested.

2. How many of those who care about

me are now more than old than him, but what struck me is that there are such people, they are born, together with the spring, the spring does not let you relax! Neither to me nor to him who is near. It’s just that not everyone knows how to tell like @mnivan, but whoever doesn’t tell, he writes. @mnivan said that those who care about 0.09%, but experience has shown that you need to collect them, at least two three, and it starts ... Intolerance to mediocrity, only the best result, sometimes uncompromising, proud of what

3 The world is small

Today, a comrade from Kharkov writes to me and asks, you know, there’s such a cool person,nmivan, read here, yes ... Where Chelyabinsk where Kharkov. Well, I had to watch the video completely from start to finish. After all, such people can do a miracle, as he says, at one time he forced cashiers to count other people's money (they were just in boxes, cash desks, a warehouse - all 1: 1) - not for money, for something else it did

4. Why are you so

Much now, of course, is not the same as before, but still - there is room for a feat. Many friends say "what do I need most of all ?!" - it turns out that most of all. I want to tell, teach, help, do better. The philosophy has gone, for many it’s so normal, but as one friend said, someone should not be like everyone else. Segmentation of clients is not going right, marketing and CRM are no good - well, you need to gain understanding of the Client and apply the right methodology to him, even if everything is hostile. Someone gives up, many, and someone goes further.

5. Is it really me?

All my life I’ve been trying to understand who I am and why I’m here. You are also in search, only it may not always be aware of this. Make a new product? Sell ​​cheap? What for? Let them work with their hands. To the fact that if you feel even a little traction - try to do something, it may work out and you will get a new meaning to live, create, change.

6. Who teaches whom

There was experience in factories, where the average age of the staff is 57 years old, and so there we taught others. I was taught scrum by a guy who worked in my department as an intern (now in the states on a work visa with his family). And who cares who? It is important that both sides become smarter. Mentoring is now the opposite, but it doesn’t matter.

7. The meaning of life has not been canceled

Sergey Rostislavovich Filonovich always repeated this to us in the MBA tower - and it worked, many had new children (and mine), someone went into business, someone just rethought themselves. You can simply rethink it, or you can hand it over like @mnivan - it’s important that after this person there remains a wider, rolled track, which makes it easier for others to go.

As a conclusion

, do not stand. It’s hard physically, it’s hard to explain even to friends why you are doing this, many people turn a finger at the temple, in you do it. Everything will work out!


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