Censorship in the .NET Framework Source Code

On Friday night, looking through the source from the Reference Source , I accidentally stumbled upon a suspicious looking comment:

Some words were replaced with a 4 dash. Well, sometimes developers are really very expressive and are not shy about harsh expressions ... But with all the desire, I could not recall a single curse that would fit here in meaning. Where did it come from?

Fortunately, Github allows you to search by repository code, and you can drive these four dashes into the search:

github.com/microsoft/referencesource/search?q=----&unscoped_q=---- We

skip random matches with ASCII formatting and stumble for several other cases in which everything becomes clear from the context: The

tabooed word is “race”. All references are made in the context of a " race condition ", that is, the state of the race for resources, not the human race. And yet, they are replaced.

Further more!

Does anyone wholeheartedly hate exceptions? No, it seems. I guess the tabooed word here is trap. There is a stable expression - “trap an exception”, which means catching an exception so that it does not pop up. But this word has anotherslang value.

Anyway. These are all comments, you never know what is written in them. Will it not affect the quality of the code? ..

Here, censorship cut out some words from text constants, which are used to identify locales. I suspect that in the first case there was the word "Simple", and in the second - "Culture", but what is seditious in them?

The EnglishPluralizationService class , which is used in EF6 to automatically convert words from singular to plural and vice versa, was especially hard hit . A decent amount of vocabulary words has been cut there:

Most of them I can’t guess, but t----ziumit’s t rape zium (trapezoid), and ch---isit’s ch ass is (body).

Fortunately, the problem is observed only in the sources posted in this repository. If you decompile this assembly, there is no censorship:

Discrimination is really a serious problem in modern society. But it’s very sad when, under the guise of fighting it, they give out this ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/undefined/

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