Neungers: Division impossible

Good day!

The article will introduce you to the next updates of the project dedicated to biomechanical machines, with notes of nostalgia for various works of the vintage game industry.
This time artifacts came into the game, cargo delivery, cyberspace, new decorative elements, redesign of individual objects and sections of levels, as well as other little things and surprises appeared.

To get started, keep a couple of videos showing the main innovations:

Version 0.9. More about visual improvements - redesign, decor, mini-game and more.

Version 0.8. Basically, programming new functionality - artifacts, cargo, cyberspace

Link to the archive with the current build of the game: nevangers.7z The
weight of the archive is 71 MB (for 64-bit Windows), the folder contains instructions with management and version differences (in the game the management reference called by the Enter button).

Now we’ll analyze in more detail what exactly was added to the game during this time:


The level now scattered levitating capsules, which each machine can cling and transport. During transportation, the capsule may fall off if you move too fast, fall into pits or cling to obstacles. All these findings must be brought to a special site where the delivered cargo is unpacked and something useful can fall out of it.

Capsule delivery is not possible in all worlds. 4 cargoes are in the starting world and one in the vastness of the water world “Biruza”. In the dark world “D'Ark” there is also an unpacking platform and a capsule, but so far it is a dummy cargo from which just a white cube falls out.

In one of the capsules of the starting world, you can find mehos Phlegmatic, which was removed from the number of machines available at the start. Another cargo contains a bonus inside. By the way, the account of the total number of bonuses collected is now displayed in the pause menu (by pressing the Enter button). In the water world, the Soul Eater machine will drop out of the cargo, which is also now mined.

Cargo capsule almost delivered

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In addition to cargo, the eighth update added artifact balls to the game. Each mechos can pick them up from special pedestals that fall out of some delivered goods, after which a similar mini-satellite will appear above it.

Any machine can have only one satellite artifact, and to take a new one you must first return the current one to the pedestal from where it was taken. When in contact with pedestals for a while, a dialog appears (along with the mouse cursor) in which you can take or leave the artifact.

There are two artifact balls in the game now, both are mined at the starting level and both are activated, that is, they give the mechos a separate active ability that is triggered when the K button is pressed. If the mechos has an artifact, the icon prompting the activation button is now displayed in the upper left artifact.

The Discord artifact (orange ball) instantly stops the mechos in space, which can be useful, for example, to the Horned Rat, which can accelerate significantly, but may experience problems with speed reduction. Another artifact, Shmazer (red ball), shoots in the direction where his scope is now turned. With it, you can destroy guards in the sandy world, or activate bridges in the ExTract world without changing to an Organic Heretic for this, although shots of this artifact are more difficult to direct to the target.

The notice on the left invites the Freighter to take the shooting artifact. Although it would not hurt him to first bring the captured capsule to the destination.

At the top are icon-tips for abilities. In this case, shoot on O, on K - instantly stop

Cyber ​​World H1ndex

Initially, the “digital” world was conceived as a full-fledged location, but plans changed and it will appear more as a special virtual zone (or different zones), to which the player’s mechanic can connect when it contacts the terminals of the Hindex virtual world.

The first such terminal appeared at the ExTract level in version 0.8. If you touch it, then the digital copy of the mechos will be in a small section of virtuality, from where you can go back to "reality", reaching the exit point.

In the ninth version, the appearance of the terminals was redesigned (the new model of the cyber terminal just decorates the “cover” of the non-existent magazine in the header of this article) and the second hindex terminal appeared at the “Traffic” level, but instead of transferring the machine to virtuality offers to play a mini-game where You need to control a flying boat (buttons A, D) to avoid collisions.

If you reach the end of the mini-game, then a sphere will open next to the terminal and you can get the Mehos locked there (Gruzonaut).

H1ndex terminal

Inside the mini-game

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Sandy World Updates

The desert level has expanded and acquired some decorative elements. The angular models of “assemblers” with mini-cameras were replaced with new units resembling something like alien “fishes” and more consistent with biomechanical styling. Also on the map appeared a kind of alien structure, with which these new "fish-gatherers" are somehow connected.

In addition, at the level there are now collectable bonus points that were previously only present in the starting world. A couple can be seen passing by the local “crush” - a new building, under which not every mehos can have time to pass to pick up bonuses. However, at the moment the touch of the crease plate is not fatal for the machine.

In addition to energy-charging green mushrooms, white ones appeared, taking energy from an inattentive driver.

Also, the inaccurate display of the charged spiral was corrected - a problem of an exclusively desert level, because the rest of the mechos cannot lose energy. Previously, the icon sometimes continued to burn, while the energy to go to another world was already not enough.

Updated "Collector"


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ExTract World Updates

This level was filled with stone "growths." A strange “arch” appeared. The appearance of the power bridges has changed, they have become animated.

At the beginning of the level, you can now see the return corridor (similar to the standard star-shaped red portal, but its arrows are turned inward) leading to the Sandy. In order for this transition to work, you need to find at the level several missing pieces of arrows, and, having accumulated energy, you can return to the desert through it.

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Among other improvements, the appearance of an animation of entry into the shelter of the first world can be noted - the mechos descends underground.

The place where Chatlanin can use his phrase to open the grate is now marked by a lightly covered hatch in the ground.

Flickering shards appeared in a pair of worlds. Collected bonuses also appeared at the "Traffic" level. All the cars in the shelters are now painted and better illuminated (in this case, the shelter now shows the color of the flasks of the mechos carrying substances of various colors).

Fixed some triggers that caused the camera to approach when the machine entered their scope.

Autosave remembers new data, such as the number of collected loads, the status of artifacts, collected bonuses, pieces of the corridor found, and so on.


I, it seems, promised surprises (well, in addition to in-game). So, in addition to working on the new builds of Nevanger, I rendered several animations that further develop the atmosphere, and at the same time you can see some elements of fantasies on the topic of the hypothetical Wanger 2.

Transition between worlds

Mini-story "Passenger Ts"

Rotating cyber terminal


That's all, thanks for your attention and good luck!

In more detail, the first article introduces: Nevanger
Continuation, part two: Nevanger: Road is changed
Continuation, part three: Nevanger: Spice must flow
Continuation, part four: Nevanger: Feed for speed

As always, I leave a link to the telegram channel of the amateur community original vanger. Drop in if that.


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